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Everything posted by ilovepixles

  1. 1. I_LOVE_PIXLES 2. yes 3.no 4. 5.no i dont think so 6. 7.i won to be in a small server and make new friends 8. yes and i am a admin but it is down at the time DX
  2. IGN:I_LOVE_PIXLES age: 15 Exp: iv been searching for a small server to chill in and play and meet new people im great at making new supplies and make bases thats all XD
  3. nope dont work
  4. i think its fake
  5. server is down... ..
  6. and also my in game name is I_LOVE_PIXLE and im wondering if i can be a mod iv been playing your server for some time and im not a griefer and i love to play i can watch the other players why you are not in the game so ya that will be all XD
  7. no the low player count is awesome and makes it have no lag so ya no
  8. age 15 location us wanna play with a small server in game I_LOVE_PIXLES
  9. and whats the email just [email protected] k
  10. im 15 but can i still join?
  11. hey is the server still up i love it but its saying it cant reach server?
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