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Everything posted by toiletpaper1029

  1. Is it: CodeChickenCore and: EnderStorage
  2. Ok, but I am still very lost on how to decide on which one to download can you help me?
  3. I am running a server with my friends off my computer Can you tell me which version of the mod I need and which CoreMod I need? http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1160665-closed-quiddity-modding/
  4. This is the error I get: http://gyazo.com/341044ec6f516b19723c43b276758d63
  5. Yes version 1.5.2 What do you mean sort out item ID's?
  6. When ever I try to launch it after I add it, and it gives an error What should I do?
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