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About Mickawesomeness

  • Birthday 05/26/1999

Mickawesomeness's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Very soon Owner: KillerCamo will be opening a Tekkit Classic server, but we need donators. At the minute KillerCamo doesn't have the amount of cash needed for a server so before it is up we need Donators to help out. When the server starts Donators will get special ranks which give different things. The ranks aren't too expensive as they range from $5-$6.50 so if people could donate this could help us start the server. Donators will be notified when the server is up before other people but at the same time as staff. We don't need staff yet but if we do we will notify. The link to donate is: http://militekk.enjin.com/
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