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Everything posted by Rob_____

  1. Pack Updated to 1.2.6! Following Changes made; + New Magical Crops Quests Added! + Magical Crops MFR Bridge Added! + YAMPST Modpack Tracker! *Updated; EnderIO; ExtraCells; ExtraUtilities; JABBA; SimplyJetpacks! - Removed Generators Mod!
  2. Pack Updated to 1.2! Following Changes made; * Quests Fixed + Added Steve's Factory Manager and Railcraft * Updated; BigReactors; BuildCraft; EnderIO; ExtraCells; Thaumic Energistics and Waila! - Removed BiblioWoods Modules (derp)
  3. 24/7 | Open | All Welcome SkyRealms Pack Link (For Launcher): http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/skyrealms SkyRealms Pack Page: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/skyrealms.529603 Official Pack Website: www.skyrealms.co.uk Official Network Website: www.modrealms.net Official Server IP: sky.modrealms.net @ModRealms SPHAX SkyRealms Resource Pack: *MOD edit: NO ADFLY* Assign at least 2GB of RAM before you launch the pack.
  4. Full log on http://pastebin.com please, that provides little information.
  5. Everything is fixed an in working order now! Come check us out! Fresh map!
  6. Many thanks to the community for more recent donations!
  7. Lots of fixes being rolled out - http://www.hexiverse.net
  8. Yes, also thanks to the community for some recent donations to keep us afloat!
  9. CTF is Out! We will be adding more games, maps and classes very soon!
  10. Thanks to everyone who helped us reach 50 concurrent players the other day!
  11. Many thanks to Hoppaw who donated for Donator Rank and 100 diamonds! Thanks!
  12. Thanks to all the new players! We hit 40 players at once yesterday! Lets hit 50 soon! Also thanks to our first Donator, Dineco. And not forgetting our first player (started from the bottom, now we here) Septimus22. The server is evolving rapidly and we have big plans for the future!
  13. Thanks for the positive comments guys! We're working all the time to keep it lag free and improving!
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