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  1. I just recently downloaded Tekkit and even if I set my visual settings all the way to the lowest I can only get a max of 15 frames, 5 on average. However as soon as I pause my fps jumps to 25-30. Is it just my laptop is shit? It is a 2011, but the only other game that I have played that has caused my frames to drop this low was BF3, but that game is a monster, even Saint's Row III is at least playable outside of massive gun fights. Is anyone else having this problem? Can I fix it? Or do I just need a new computer?
  2. Hey guys, I have been having so much trouble finding out what everything does as well as the values of items in Tekkit. Thus, I searched for the Tekkit wiki, the problem is the wiki is just a list of the mod and I have to enter every mod and then every item inside of their respective wiki's. It is a very tedious way of finding the info I need. I had recently been playing the Hexxit pack and the Wikia for the Hexxit pack is massive and almost completely filled with up-to-date info. So I'm coming to you guy who have been playing the Tekkit pack for much longer than me, to help fill up the Tekkit wikia so noobs like me can understand this extremely technical pack just a little bit better. Thanks in advance to all that do. Tekkit Wikia
  3. What!? MY LIFE IS A LIE! D:
  4. So I am looking to get a hosted server, nothing massive, it's just my laptop can't handle running Tekkit or Hexxit anymore and I'm looking to play with a friend or two. The problem is I know basically nothing about hosted servers other than they have an IP and the people that own them magically make mods work in it lol. I was hoping some of you guys that own or have owned a server could inform an server n00b like me on the ins and outs. I'm also wondering about a few things like, is it possible to have more than one "world" on a server, if it is how big of a server would I need to run more than one, how easy is it to install and uninstall mods, simple probably super obvious to everyone but me kind of questions.
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