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Posts posted by Gibbynator

  1. So... I like the features in CC 1.4.1, and I tried to put it in the server (delete everything but net and eloraam folder in ComputerCraft server-side, replace with content from ComputerCraftServer1.41.zip, put the mod_ files in net/minecraft/server folder of ComputerCraft folder (overwrite previous files)), and then try to start. This is what I get:

    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.5
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [iNFO] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [iNFO] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5 loading
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [FINE] Attempting to load mods contained in the minecraft jar file and associated classes
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [FINE] Minecraft is a file at C:\Users\Gibby\AppData\Roaming\Tekkit Server\junk\Tekkit.jar, loading
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_MinecraftForge in file Tekkit.jar, attempting to load it
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_MinecraftForge found, loading
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_MinecraftForge loaded
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_MinecraftForge loaded successfully
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [FINE] Minecraft jar mods loaded successfully
    2012-10-20 22:10:50 [iNFO] Loading mods from C:\Users\Gibby\AppData\Roaming\Tekkit Server\junk\mods
    **skipped a bunch of stuff here, it found folders and all that, and whined about a bunch of stuff it normally whines about with Tekkit**
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Initializing mod_RedPowerControl
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Initializing mod_TubeStuff
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Initializing mod_WirelessRedstoneCore
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Initializing mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Initializing mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [iNFO] RedPowerCore: MinecraftForge minor version mismatch, expecting 3.1.x, may lead to unexpected behavior
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Railcraft IC2 Module: Tin detected, adding Energy Detector recipe: id={0}
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINE] Starting BuildCraft 2.2.14
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINE] Copyright © SpaceToad, 2011
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINE] http://www.mod-buildcraft.com
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [iNFO] Starting BuildCraft 2.2.14
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [iNFO] Copyright © SpaceToad, 2011
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [iNFO] http://www.mod-buildcraft.com
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Initializing mod_ImmiChunkLoaders
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINE] Mod initialization complete
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINE] Beginning mod post-initialization
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_CodeChickenCore
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_MinecraftForge
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_BuildCraftTransport
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_AdditionalPipes
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_IC2
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [iNFO] [iC2] Loading IC2 submodule: bcIntegration22x
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [iNFO] [iC2] BuildCraft integration module loaded
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [iNFO] [iC2] Loaded minor compatibility modules: none
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_IC2AdvancedMachines
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing Balkon's WeaponMod
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_BuildCraftFactory
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_BuildCraftEnergy
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_BuildCraftCore
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_BuildCraftBuilders
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_RedPowerLogic
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_RedPowerLighting
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_RedPowerWiring
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_RedPowerCore
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_RedPowerMachine
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Railcraft Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: {0}, id={1} meta={2}
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Railcraft Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: {0}, id={1} meta={2}
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Railcraft Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: {0}, id={1} meta={2}
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Railcraft Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: {0}, id={1} meta={2}
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_RedPowerWorld
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_ComputerCraft
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_ccSensors
    2012-10-20 22:10:53 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_CCTurtle
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: turtleBlockID 216
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -40 item slot already occupied by dan200.turtle.shared.ItemTurtle@10b434b while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@a6ef176
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_EE
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_EnderStorage
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_ImmibisCore
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_ModularForceFieldSystem
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_IC2_ChargingBench
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_CompactSolars
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_IC2NuclearControl
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_IronChest
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINE] mod_IronChest registered chests with Equivalent Exchange
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_NetherOres
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_NotEnoughItems
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_PowerConverters
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_Railcraft
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_RedPowerControl
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_TubeStuff
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_WirelessRedstoneCore
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_ImmiChunkLoaders
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [FINE] Mod post-initialization complete
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader load complete, 38 mods loaded
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [iNFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-jenkins-CraftBukkit-173 (MC: 1.2.5) (Implementing API version 1.2.5-R4.1-MCPC-SNAPSHOT)
    2012-10-20 22:10:54 [sEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\CommandBook.jar' in folder 'plugins'
    org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sk89q/minecraft/util/commands/CommandPermissionsException
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:151)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:310)
        at forge.bukkit.ForgePluginManager.loadPlugin(ForgePluginManager.java:55)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager.java:231)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:221)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(CraftServer.java:197)
        at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerConfigurationManager.java:59)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:177)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:438)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sk89q/minecraft/util/commands/CommandPermissionsException
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:140)
        ... 9 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissionsException
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:41)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:29)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        ... 12 more

    Anyone have any ideas how to get it working, or will I be stuck waiting until the next release of Tekkit?

  2. Anyone who has compared an SMP Template to a SSP Blueprint in buildcraft SURELY knows of the vast difference between the two. With buildcraft SMP still at 2.2.14, we can see no near future release of the Blueprint item (and its mechanics) into Tekkit any time soon. From the look of the code and commits on https://github.com/SirSengir/BuildCraft , I don't see much of an attempt to get anything from BC 3.x.xx ported to SMP. So, here's the challenge:

    1. Make the blueprint item (material specific template) and the method to writing it SMP compatible.
    2. Use the blueprint API to add in Tekkit 3.04 or higher blocks in the list of recognized materials.
    3. Release this on the modder's metropolis board (unless Sengir asks otherwise).

    If something like this already exists, please let me know here so I can install it. I can't stand the members of my survival server constantly whining about it while I'm working on the Gibbycraft/Aragami mod. I have an experimental API I wrote for buildcraft that allows you to access items from it in another mod (like Items.java in the IC² API). If you want to test it or use it for this, bounce me a PM (I'm not ready to officially release it, due to it being experimental and possibly glitchy).

  3. I'm no expert here, but I'll try to give you a start.

    1. Try here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/basic-creating-custom-world-generators-new-api.79066/

    2. If you know already how to make a biome/how the world generates (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1030464-125-theinstitutions-advanced-modding-tutorials/ or http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/827181-minecraft-modding-made-easy-40-videos/page__fromsearch__1), it should just mean modifying some base classes/making your own new biomes, whatever seems easier for you.

    I can't help any more that this, but I hope it's enough to start. Good luck.

  4. Well, again, we don't really have enough info from OP (like any mods installed, how they set up MCP, etc.), but the <T> T thing was something I did see when I was trying to get MCP set up, so I am just recommending things that I tried to get my copy working.

  5. I got this error once, and judging from the error log, you don't have the required version of java to do the decompiling. Download the JDK 7u3 from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-7u3-download-1501626.html and try it again. If that fails, you may have another mod (outside of Modloader or Forge) in your jar. Look at jakj's post about decompiling with other mods. If you are using forge, it has its own batch file for installing itself. Use it.

  6. Assuming you can get the mods compatible, the answer is: Yes, you CAN add mods to an existing modpack from the launcher. Just go into the folder containing the modpack you want and add in the mod. You will need to play around with item ID's, most likely. As to making an entire new modpack, you can try playing around with the .yml files in AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\launcher and making a folder with the image and stuff. But this would be ONLY for you, and unless you send them a zipped copy of the launcher folder, I doubt it would work. Auto-updating would have to be disabled for it to work. I am not too experienced with this, and these are all assumptions from looking at how the files are set up, but you'll just need to play with it to get it to work (or not).

  7. That worked. For everyone else, trying to do this, here are some notes about getPriorities() that are really useful:

    • You can use

       instead of required-after/before.
    • Separate multiple mod priorities with a semicolon(no spaces). For example:

    return "before:mod_IC2;before:mod_Buildcraft";
    Do your before declarations BEFORE your after declarations, otherwise it won't work.

  8. So here's the scoop:

    I'm writing Gibbycraft, and it causes me some NoClassDef found errors. I harassed the members of this forum by posting my issue, and I learned that when you are modding and using other mods (either as an addon mod or for extra compatibility), NEVER to use StartClient.bat in MCP, as MCP doesn't like other mods. But now, a new problem occurs: The mods must load in a certain order, otherwise stuff isn't there when my mod needs it. I have been doing it the cheap way: renaming my reobfuscated mod folder with the letter "Z" in front of it. My question is this:

    Is there a way to see if a mod exists in the mods folder before initializing my mod, and making sure that mod initializes first? I think there was some trick using modsLoaded(), but I can't find an example of how to use it. Can anyone elaborate on this?

    Thanks again!

  9. I followed what jakj said, and I got a new issue this time: the dreaded black screen. According to the FML log below, it loaded all the mod files just fine. I made sure to delete META-INF from the minecraft.jar, and add NEI into the jar so I can test it.

    Log as follows:

    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5 loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Attempting to load mods contained in the minecraft jar file and associated classes
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\Gibby\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\lwjgl.jar, loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\Gibby\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\jinput.jar, loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\Gibby\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\lwjgl_util.jar, loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\Gibby\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar, loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a mod class mod_MinecraftForge in file minecraft.jar, attempting to load it
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_MinecraftForge found, loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_MinecraftForge loaded
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Mod class mod_MinecraftForge loaded successfully
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a mod class mod_NotEnoughItems in file minecraft.jar, attempting to load it
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_NotEnoughItems found, loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_NotEnoughItems loaded
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Mod class mod_NotEnoughItems loaded successfully
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Minecraft jar mods loaded successfully
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [iNFO] Loading mods from C:\Users\Gibby\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a directory Gibbycraft, attempting to load it
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINEST] Recursing into package gibbycraft
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINEST] Recursing into package gibbycraft.gui
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINEST] Recursing into package ic2
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINEST] Recursing into package ic2.api
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a mod class mod_Aragami in directory Gibbycraft, attempting to load it
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_Aragami found, loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_Aragami loaded
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Successfully loaded mod class mod_Aragami.class
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a mod class mod_Gibbycraft in directory Gibbycraft, attempting to load it
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_Gibbycraft found, loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_Gibbycraft loaded
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Successfully loaded mod class mod_Gibbycraft.class
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Directory Gibbycraft loaded successfully
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file industrialcraft-2-client_1.95b.jar, attempting to load it
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Found a mod class mod_IC2 in file industrialcraft-2-client_1.95b.jar, attempting to load it
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_IC2 found, loading
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_IC2 loaded
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Failed to find mcmod.info file in industrialcraft-2-client_1.95b.jar for mod_IC2
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Mod class mod_IC2 loaded successfully
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] File industrialcraft-2-client_1.95b.jar loaded successfully
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 5 mods
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Beginning mod pre-initialization
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINER] Pre-initializing C:\Users\Gibby\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Reading existing configuration file for mod_MinecraftForge : mod_MinecraftForge.cfg
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINEST] Configuration for mod_MinecraftForge.SPAWNER_ALLOW_ON_INVERTED found values default: true, configured: true, interpreted: true
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Configuration for mod_MinecraftForge written to mod_MinecraftForge.cfg
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINER] Pre-initializing C:\Users\Gibby\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Reading existing configuration file for mod_NotEnoughItems : mod_NotEnoughItems.cfg
    2012-07-04 00:10:22 [FINE] Configuration for mod_NotEnoughItems written to mod_NotEnoughItems.cfg

    So I get this idea that NEI is failing to boot, so I deleted it. I also changed around my packages a bit, and where the images were stored, and that seemed to fix it. Now I am enjoying toast and grilled cheese!

    If a mod wants to trash this thread, go ahead. I got my issue fixed.

  10. I've made a few items for my mod, and as far as I can tell, they don't generate any errors. However, one of the items requires IC2 (it is an electric tool). So, I copy industrialcraft 1.95 client.jar from the mods folder of Tekkit to the mods folder in MCP/jars/mods. Then, I get this error. So I figure I need to install Risu's Modloader, even though forge SAYS it has it included. Still getting the error below. Of note: I included net.minecraft.src.ic2.api in my source code. I doubt that would be causing a noclassdef error. Anything I did wrong? If you want to check my code, https://github.com/Gibbycraft/Gibbycraft-mod/tree/master/net

    3 mods loaded
    Minecraft Forge
    FML v2.2.48.135
    Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5
        mod_Aragami : Loaded (src)
        mod_Gibbycraft : Loaded (src)
        mod_MinecraftForge : Loaded (src)
          Minecraft has crashed! 
    Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
    --- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 25e7fe59 --------
    Generated 7/2/12 9:49 PM
    Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
    OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
    Java: 1.7.0_03, Oracle Corporation
    VM: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
    LWJGL: 2.4.2
    OpenGL: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4870  version 3.3.10151 Compatibility Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc.
    cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: forge/IConnectionHandler
        at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.load(Loader.java:436)
        at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:592)
        at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.onPreLoad(FMLClientHandler.java:193)
        at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startGame(Minecraft.java:383)
        at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:735)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: forge/IConnectionHandler
        at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadModClass(Loader.java:527)
        at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.attemptFileLoad(Loader.java:561)
        at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.load(Loader.java:419)
        ... 5 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: forge/IConnectionHandler
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
        at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadModClass(Loader.java:494)
        ... 7 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: forge.IConnectionHandler
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        ... 23 more
    --- END ERROR REPORT 4d854ee5 ----------

  11. I got a similar error decompiling IC2. Delete the integration module folders and it "works". It won't recompile, but you can still read through the deobfuscated source.

    Also check the mods' pages for source code. CodeChickenCore and NEI (to an extent) are both open source, for example. It's easier than hoping MCP works.

    Thank you! I was able to decompile IC2 with the rest of the mods I needed.

  12. Thanks, Neowulf. I tried some of the files individually and in groups, and this is what happens:

    • All redpower stuff together decompiles
    • All buildcraft stuff decompiles
    • Redpower+Buildcraft decompiles
    • IC2 does NOT decompile
    • Buildcraft+IC2 does NOT decompile
    • Computercraft alone does NOT decompile
    • Computercraft+Redpower decompiles
    • Computercraft+Redpower+Buildcraft decompiles
    • Railcraft decompiles
    • Computercraft+Redpower+Buildcraft+Railcraft decompiles
    • Computercraft+Redpower+Buildcraft+Railcraft+Equivalent Exchange decompiles
    • Computercraft+Redpower+Buildcraft+Railcraft+Equivalent Exchange+IC2 does NOT decompile

    I shall use the bold one currently, but I need IC2 to support EU input/output, as well as some other machine stuff.

    So in conclusion, IC2 is causing the issues. In particular, a NoClassFound error that pops up whenever IC2 is put in with Buildcraft is

    13:53:16 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    13:53:16 -
    13:53:16 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    13:53:16 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound [b][u]buildcraft/api/BptBlock[/u][/b]
    13:53:16 - ==================
    13:53:16 -
    13:53:16 - Decompile failed
    14:21:52 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:21:58 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    BptBlock is not anywhere in Tekkit 3.03-04
    MCP error log with IC2 alone:
    13:53:08 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    13:53:16 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    13:53:16 -
    13:53:16 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    13:53:16 -
    13:53:16 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    13:53:16 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    13:53:16 - ==================
    13:53:16 -
    13:53:16 - Decompile failed
    14:21:52 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:21:58 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:21:58 -
    14:21:58 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:21:58 -
    14:21:58 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:21:58 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    14:21:58 - ==================
    14:21:58 -
    14:21:58 - Decompile failed
    14:23:12 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:23:18 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:23:18 -
    14:23:18 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:23:18 -
    14:23:18 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:23:18 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    14:23:18 - ==================
    14:23:18 -
    14:23:18 - Decompile failed
    14:28:26 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:28:31 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:28:31 -
    14:28:31 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:28:31 -
    14:28:31 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:28:31 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound forge/ITextureProvider
    14:28:31 - ==================
    14:28:31 -
    14:28:31 - Decompile failed
    14:30:05 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:30:11 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:30:11 -
    14:30:11 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:30:11 -
    14:30:11 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:30:11 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/core/IMachine
    14:30:11 - ==================
    14:30:11 -
    14:30:11 - Decompile failed
    14:31:30 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:31:36 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:31:36 -
    14:31:36 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:31:36 -
    14:31:36 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:31:36 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/core/IMachine
    14:31:36 - ==================
    14:31:36 -
    14:31:36 - Decompile failed
    14:33:30 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:33:36 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:33:36 -
    14:33:36 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:33:36 -
    14:33:36 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:33:36 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    14:33:36 - ==================
    14:33:36 -
    14:33:36 - Decompile failed
    14:37:05 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:37:12 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:37:12 -
    14:37:12 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:37:12 -
    14:37:12 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:37:12 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound codechicken/nei/ShapelessRecipeHandler
    14:37:12 - ==================
    14:37:12 -
    14:37:12 - Decompile failed
    14:38:48 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:38:55 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:38:55 -
    14:38:55 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:38:55 -
    14:38:55 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:38:55 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    14:38:55 - ==================
    14:38:55 -
    14:38:55 - Decompile failed
    16:44:54 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    16:46:49 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    16:46:53 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    16:46:53 -
    16:46:53 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    16:46:53 -
    16:46:53 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    16:46:53 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound CraftGuide/API/CraftGuideAPIObject
    16:46:53 - ==================
    16:46:53 -
    16:46:53 - Decompile failed
    17:18:31 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:18:34 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:18:34 -
    17:18:34 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:18:34 -
    17:18:34 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:18:34 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound CraftGuide/API/CraftGuideAPIObject
    17:18:34 - ==================
    17:18:34 -
    17:18:34 - Decompile failed
    17:38:08 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:38:11 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:38:11 -
    17:38:11 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:38:11 -
    17:38:11 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:38:11 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    17:38:11 - ==================
    17:38:11 -
    17:38:11 - Decompile failed
    17:43:11 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:45:04 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:48:12 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:48:16 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:48:16 -
    17:48:16 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:48:16 -
    17:48:16 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:48:16 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound CraftGuide/API/CraftGuideAPIObject
    17:48:16 - ==================
    17:48:16 -
    17:48:16 - Decompile failed
    17:49:00 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:49:06 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:49:06 -
    17:49:06 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:49:06 -
    17:49:06 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:49:06 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound codechicken/nei/ShapelessRecipeHandler
    17:49:06 - ==================
    17:49:06 -
    17:49:06 - Decompile failed
    17:50:21 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:50:27 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:50:27 -
    17:50:27 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:50:27 -
    17:50:27 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:50:27 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    17:50:27 - ==================
    17:50:27 -
    17:50:27 - Decompile failed
    17:52:03 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:52:23 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:55:29 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:55:32 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:55:32 -
    17:55:32 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:55:32 -
    17:55:32 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:55:32 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    17:55:32 - ==================
    17:55:32 -
    17:55:32 - Decompile failed
    17:56:18 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:56:23 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:56:23 -
    17:56:23 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:56:23 -
    17:56:23 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:56:23 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound CraftGuide/API/CraftGuideAPIObject
    17:56:23 - ==================
    17:56:23 -
    17:56:23 - Decompile failed
    17:58:45 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:58:53 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:58:53 -
    17:58:53 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:58:53 -
    17:58:53 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:58:53 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    17:58:53 - ==================
    17:58:53 -
    17:58:53 - Decompile failed
    18:00:49 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:00:56 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    18:00:56 -
    18:00:56 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    18:00:56 -
    18:00:56 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    18:00:56 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    18:00:56 - ==================
    18:00:56 -
    18:00:56 - Decompile failed
    18:04:45 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:04:53 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    18:04:53 -
    18:04:53 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    18:04:53 -
    18:04:53 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    18:04:53 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    18:04:53 - ==================
    18:04:53 -
    18:04:53 - Decompile failed
    18:12:38 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:12:41 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    18:12:41 -
    18:12:41 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    18:12:41 -
    18:12:41 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    18:12:41 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound eloraam/core/IRedPowerConnectable
    18:12:41 - ==================
    18:12:41 -
    18:12:41 - Decompile failed
    18:13:55 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:15:50 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:18:37 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:20:42 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:28:01 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:30:58 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:31:05 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    18:31:05 -
    18:31:05 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    18:31:05 -
    18:31:05 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    18:31:05 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound codechicken/nei/ShapelessRecipeHandler
    18:31:05 - ==================
    18:31:05 -
    18:31:05 - Decompile failed
    18:44:48 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:44:51 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    18:44:51 -
    18:44:51 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    18:44:51 -
    18:44:51 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    18:44:51 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    18:44:51 - ==================
    18:44:51 -
    18:44:51 - Decompile failed
    MCP error log with Computercraft+Redpower+Buildcraft+Railcraft+Equivalent Exchange+IC2
    13:53:08 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    13:53:16 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    13:53:16 -
    13:53:16 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    13:53:16 -
    13:53:16 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    13:53:16 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    13:53:16 - ==================
    13:53:16 -
    13:53:16 - Decompile failed
    14:21:52 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:21:58 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:21:58 -
    14:21:58 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:21:58 -
    14:21:58 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:21:58 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    14:21:58 - ==================
    14:21:58 -
    14:21:58 - Decompile failed
    14:23:12 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:23:18 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:23:18 -
    14:23:18 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:23:18 -
    14:23:18 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:23:18 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    14:23:18 - ==================
    14:23:18 -
    14:23:18 - Decompile failed
    14:28:26 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:28:31 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:28:31 -
    14:28:31 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:28:31 -
    14:28:31 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:28:31 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound forge/ITextureProvider
    14:28:31 - ==================
    14:28:31 -
    14:28:31 - Decompile failed
    14:30:05 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:30:11 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:30:11 -
    14:30:11 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:30:11 -
    14:30:11 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:30:11 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/core/IMachine
    14:30:11 - ==================
    14:30:11 -
    14:30:11 - Decompile failed
    14:31:30 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:31:36 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:31:36 -
    14:31:36 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:31:36 -
    14:31:36 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:31:36 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/core/IMachine
    14:31:36 - ==================
    14:31:36 -
    14:31:36 - Decompile failed
    14:33:30 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:33:36 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:33:36 -
    14:33:36 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:33:36 -
    14:33:36 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:33:36 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    14:33:36 - ==================
    14:33:36 -
    14:33:36 - Decompile failed
    14:37:05 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:37:12 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:37:12 -
    14:37:12 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:37:12 -
    14:37:12 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:37:12 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound codechicken/nei/ShapelessRecipeHandler
    14:37:12 - ==================
    14:37:12 -
    14:37:12 - Decompile failed
    14:38:48 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    14:38:55 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    14:38:55 -
    14:38:55 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    14:38:55 -
    14:38:55 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    14:38:55 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    14:38:55 - ==================
    14:38:55 -
    14:38:55 - Decompile failed
    16:44:54 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    16:46:49 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    16:46:53 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    16:46:53 -
    16:46:53 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    16:46:53 -
    16:46:53 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    16:46:53 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound CraftGuide/API/CraftGuideAPIObject
    16:46:53 - ==================
    16:46:53 -
    16:46:53 - Decompile failed
    17:18:31 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:18:34 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:18:34 -
    17:18:34 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:18:34 -
    17:18:34 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:18:34 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound CraftGuide/API/CraftGuideAPIObject
    17:18:34 - ==================
    17:18:34 -
    17:18:34 - Decompile failed
    17:38:08 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:38:11 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:38:11 -
    17:38:11 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:38:11 -
    17:38:11 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:38:11 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    17:38:11 - ==================
    17:38:11 -
    17:38:11 - Decompile failed
    17:43:11 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:45:04 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:48:12 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:48:16 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:48:16 -
    17:48:16 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:48:16 -
    17:48:16 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:48:16 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound CraftGuide/API/CraftGuideAPIObject
    17:48:16 - ==================
    17:48:16 -
    17:48:16 - Decompile failed
    17:49:00 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:49:06 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:49:06 -
    17:49:06 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:49:06 -
    17:49:06 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:49:06 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound codechicken/nei/ShapelessRecipeHandler
    17:49:06 - ==================
    17:49:06 -
    17:49:06 - Decompile failed
    17:50:21 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:50:27 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:50:27 -
    17:50:27 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:50:27 -
    17:50:27 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:50:27 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    17:50:27 - ==================
    17:50:27 -
    17:50:27 - Decompile failed
    17:52:03 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:52:23 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:55:29 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:55:32 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:55:32 -
    17:55:32 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:55:32 -
    17:55:32 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:55:32 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/ILiquidContainer
    17:55:32 - ==================
    17:55:32 -
    17:55:32 - Decompile failed
    17:56:18 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:56:23 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:56:23 -
    17:56:23 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:56:23 -
    17:56:23 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:56:23 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound CraftGuide/API/CraftGuideAPIObject
    17:56:23 - ==================
    17:56:23 -
    17:56:23 - Decompile failed
    17:58:45 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    17:58:53 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    17:58:53 -
    17:58:53 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    17:58:53 -
    17:58:53 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    17:58:53 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    17:58:53 - ==================
    17:58:53 -
    17:58:53 - Decompile failed
    18:00:49 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:00:56 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    18:00:56 -
    18:00:56 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    18:00:56 -
    18:00:56 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    18:00:56 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    18:00:56 - ==================
    18:00:56 -
    18:00:56 - Decompile failed
    18:04:45 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:04:53 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    18:04:53 -
    18:04:53 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    18:04:53 -
    18:04:53 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    18:04:53 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcraft/api/BptBlock
    18:04:53 - ==================
    18:04:53 -
    18:04:53 - Decompile failed
    18:12:38 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:12:41 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    18:12:41 -
    18:12:41 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    18:12:41 -
    18:12:41 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    18:12:41 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound eloraam/core/IRedPowerConnectable
    18:12:41 - ==================
    18:12:41 -
    18:12:41 - Decompile failed
    18:13:55 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:15:50 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:18:37 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:20:42 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:28:01 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:30:58 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    18:31:05 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    18:31:05 -
    18:31:05 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
    18:31:05 -
    18:31:05 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    18:31:05 - RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound codechicken/nei/ShapelessRecipeHandler
    18:31:05 - ==================
    18:31:05 -
    18:31:05 - Decompile failed

    What should I do next? Anyone able to decompile IC2 successfully?

  13. I followed jakj's tutorial, but I keep running into this error when I try to decompile the jar:

    == MCP 6.2 (data: 6.2, client: 1.2.5, server: 1.2.5) ==
    # found jad, ff, jad patches, ff patches, osx patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs
    , param csvs, astyle, astyle config
    > Creating Retroguard config files
    !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
    == Decompiling client using fernflower ==
    > Creating SRGs
    > Applying Retroguard
    '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;li
    b;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
    == ERRORS FOUND ==
    Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound buildcr
    Decompile failed
    Press any key to continue . . .

    My EXACT steps, if they help:

    1. Got a fresh minecraft 1.2.5
    2. Added 'bin' and 'resources' into mcp/jars
    3. Added MinecraftForge-'s contents into minecraft.jar
    4. Added the contents of the following mods from tekkit/mods folder:

      1. AdvancedMachines_4.0_client
      2. buildcraft-client-A-core-2.2.14
      3. buildcraft-client-B-builders-2.2.14
      4. buildcraft-client-B-energy-2.2.14
      5. buildcraft-client-B-factory-2.2.14
      6. buildcraft-client-B-transport-2.2.14
      7. buildcraft-client-DA-additionalpipes-2.1.3
      8. EE2ClientV1.4.5.1
      9. IC2NuclearControl_client_v1.1.6
      10. industrialcraft-2-client_1.95b
      11. mod_chargingbench-client-1.95b-1.2.5-r1
      12. mod_compactsolars-client-
      13. PowerConverters_Client_1.3.4
      14. Railcraft_Client_5.2.4
      15. RedPowerControl-2.0pr5b2
      16. RedPowerCore-2.0pr5b2
      17. RedPowerLighting-2.0pr5b2
      18. RedPowerLogic-2.0pr5b2
      19. RedPowerMachine-2.0pr5b2
      20. RedPowerWiring-2.0pr5b2
      21. RedPowerWorld-2.0pr5b2

    [*]Added codechicken folder from modpack.jar

    [*]Ran decompile.bat

    [*]Got the error. It seems as if the API for buildcraft is incomplete, because Sengir's github api has the missing .java file and a lot more. What should I do to fix this? By the way, I do need all of the mods listed above, either for compatibility or to learn how they did something.

  14. After a long series of talks with the current mod team, and the loss of a good friend, we determined we are not at the level to handle a mod like this on our own. So we (meaning mostly me) decided on recruiting some additional help on this project. Below is a recruitment form, for anyone who wants to join the team. There are ABSOLUTELY NO REQUIREMENTS to join the team, even if you have no experience. This will be (at least, for the current team) the first time we all are working with other mods, so we are learning as well. PM me or reply here, I have no preference. Thanks for your interest!

    Name: (Either Username, real name, or nickname, we don't care)

    Experience with Java: (Don't be afraid if you have none, you'll learn quickly)

    Experience with Minecraft modding/Forge: (Again, just to see what you know)

    Experience with Bukkit/SMP stuff: (If you want to help us do a bukkit port, that would be great!)

    Knowledge on God Eater and/or Tekkit: (Just so we know what to have you start working on)

    Dedication Level: (How much time can you spend per week working on the mod?)

    Why you want to join: (This isn't a super-selective server, but it helps to know motivation levels)

    Notes/Other Comments: (Say whatever you want here, but try to keep it relavent to the mod)

  15. I find an issue that Technic is not SMP. Ideas are merely a dump area, none of them should be considered canon. Check the "kinda official feature list" section. Only 1 item really affects PvP, and it is balanced so it isn't a kill-all weapon. It only aims to fix the issue with quantum armor making PvP nearly impossible due to its near invincibility. I fixed that in the google doc, since it seemed to cause some confusion. If you have any more issues, please let me know so I can clarify/fix them.

  16. UPDATE on 6/22/13:

    I know, I know. For all 3 of you who want to see this mod in action, I'm ticking you off. All the changes in Minecraft recently have made it extremely difficult to keep up with. I decided to wait until 1.6 comes out, since it will most likely COMPLETELY REDO how mods are made and packaged and whatnot. Plus there are a few items in 1.6 that may make coding this mod easier. Until then.

    UPDATE on 5/12/13:

    Yet again this mod has been pushed back in development due to external reasons (I.E. College). Seeing as minecraft has changed so much, I will be doing a complete rewrite of these mods over the summer. I haven't given up on you guys (and girls) yet; there are just other things going on in life now (trying to get a girlfriend as well, so that's taking up some time).


    UPDATE on 1/14/13:

    So... it has been quite some time since I last updated this. Since the mods are now far ahead of tekkit and bukkit, I am changing the mod to a non-tekkit compatible standalone release. I will still be implementing the other mods* but it will be a complete rework of the original. I will post progress as I make it.

    * = some mods have disappeared, such as EE2. Dependencies will be changed as a result.


    Progress log:

    RIP Paul 
    Work on the mod has been resumed. We are starting to mod now!
    GitHub account created. See the projects at https://github.com/Gibbycraft
    Added Cheese, Grilled cheese, and toast.
    Added these types of food:
    Chocolate Piece
    Chocolate Bar
    Cream Cheese
    Cheese Pizza
    Cheese Pizza Slice
    Pepperoni Pizza
    Pepperoni Pizza Slice
    Beef Pizza
    Beef Pizza Slice
    Anchovies Pizza
    Anchovies Pizza Slice

    [b]Please follow this link to comment on aspects of the mod.[/b]

    Please follow this link if you want to see the source code/current progress

    [center][b][u]Gibbycraft mod[/u][/b][/center]

    [center] [/center]


    [left] [/left]

    [left]This part of the mod extends Tekkit's late-game by adding new blocks, as well as adding some early and mid-game items. The core of this mod is the ASP (Autonomous Support Platform), a machine-ish thing that can act as either a Turtle or a Wolf, and be programmed to do all sorts of cool things. Also, this adds Toast and Grilled cheese. What's not to like?[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left][b][u]Items of noteworthyness:[/u][/b][/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]ASP - [color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Stands for Autonomous Support Platform. Follows a set of commands issued by the ASP Base.[/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px] Can be overridden by ASP Remote[/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]. Can perform a variety of tasks, from mining to storage to creeper butt-hurting to even PvP! This is the core of the ASP module of this mod, and one of the few “original” ideas of it. Below is a tentative list of functions, more can be added.[/size][/font][/color][/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Mode[/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px].................Description[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Code[/size][/font][/color].............[size=16px][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Runs the program loaded on the ASP base. Unlike other modes, this causes the ASP to be treated like a Turtle block instead of a mob.[/size][/font][/size]

    [color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Wolf[/size][/font][/color]..............[size=16px][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]The ASP was told it could be anything, so it became a wolf. Not literally though. This mode causes it to act just like everyones favorite Minecraft canine, no bones or porkchops needed! It attacks whatever you attack, tries to defend you, and follows you around.[/size][/font][/size]

    [color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Hunter[/size][/font][/color]............[color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Don’t like being awkwardly stared at by those cows and sheep? Well, the ASP doesn’t either, so it opens up a can of whoop-ASP on them. Attacks any non-hostile mob in range.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Predator...............[/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]The ASP goes into super psycho serial killer mode, shooting EVERYTHING that isn’t your player. Keep your pets far away from this ASP.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Manual................[/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Times New Roman]Control is strictly through the ASP remote. The ASP just follows you around like a puppy.[/font][/color]

    [color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Stay[/size][/font][/color]................[color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]One of the first things taught in ASP obedience school. The ASP stays at the ASP Base, and does absolutely NOTHING!!![/size][/font][/color][/th][/tr][/table]

    [left] [/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]ASP Base[color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]: Allows for refueling and unloading an ASP. A user can program an ASP in this machine, as well as upgrade their ASP with certain items, like a mining laser or homing missiles. Uses both IC2 EU and BC fuel to recharge the ASP.[/size][/font][/color][/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Scubasnacks: Gunpowder and reeds. A surprising safe way to store oxygen for deep dives. Use one to refill your oxygen meter to full.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Grilled cheese: Restores Stamina to max, and refills 3.5 drumsticks of hunger.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]QSU: Teleporters consume millions of EU, and are terribly ineffective over 2000+ block moves, because they just draw too much. So, using quantum-flavored crafting skills, you can build a QSU, which can store upwards of 100,000,000 EU, and be upgraded to store even more via putting an MFSU in the upgrade slot. It has 2 output faces, High voltage (for the Teleporter) and Extreme voltage, and can accept Extreme voltage input.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left][color=#000000][font=Times New Roman][size=16px]Adhesive bandages: A quick use stackable healing item, restores 1 heart.[/size][/font][/color][/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Quantum Saber: One of the few weapons that can hit through Quantum armor and Nano armor. Deals 3.5 hearts of damage to a player wearing Quantum or Nano, 2 otherwise.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Railgun: 私はビリビリ呼び出すことはありません! (Points to anyone who gets the joke)[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left][b][u]New features (may not be implemented):[/u][/b][/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Adds Stamina, which allows for even faster sprinting and rapid sidesteps (to dodge arrows and mining lasers, of course!)[/left]

    [left] [/left]


    [left] [/left]

    [left]An idea with heavy support on the ComputerCraft forums was a way to implement color/images/videos on the monitors. Obviously, this will take quite a bit of skill to pull off, but we have an idea that wouldn't require the server to send out massive packets. It probably won't be implemented in the initial release, due to the sheer challenge of coding the system. This mod is open to anyone who wants to join the team, so bounce me a PM if you're interested.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [center][b][u]Aragami mod[/u][/b][/center]

    [center] [/center]


    [left] [/left]

    [left]God Eater Burst (american: Gods Eater Burst) is a game best described as a post-apocalyptic Monster Hunter with a story deeper than Kill-Get rewards-Repeat. Aragami - organisms that live to eat and make your life as miserable as when you see a charged creeper. They are immune to most normal weapons, so a small group of people can wield weapons called God Arcs, made from Aragami cells to fight the Aragami. God Arcs can be a Sword, Gun, Shield, or even all of the above. The God Arc's favorite food is extra-rare Aragami buttsteaks, and will literally bite into an Aragami to get some. Of course, they'll give you some Oracle cells (sharing is caring, after all), which can be used as ammo for the gun, or in crafting. Aragami have evolved into blocky mobs and invaded your Minecraft world, but don't worry: Notch blessed you for helping him remove Herobrine from the game, so you have the ability to manipulate the Oracle cells to fight back the Aragami invasion. Will the human turn into a god, or a god into a human? Let the battle begin...[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left][b][u]Items of noteworthyness:[/u][/b][/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]God Arc: Your weapon of choice for killing Aragami. Can be upgraded to be a sword, gun, both, and a shield. Can also devour Aragami to obtain a few Oracle Cells.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Oracle cell: Makes pretty much every item in this mod. Also can be used as ammunition.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Pig food: Used to start Aragami spawning. Its name tells you what to do.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Bias factor: P-53 Bias factor is used in the crafting of God Arcs, and can be pumped into Aragami Armor walls to repel Aragami.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Aragami armor: When it comes to protection, Aragami agree with Randall the honey badger - they just don't give a $#!t. Quantum armor looks like paper, as far as they're concerned. But, with a little P-53 Bias magic, they all of a sudden have a hard time hitting you.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Aragami armor wall: Reinforced stone covered in P-53 Bias factor smell like creeper butt to an Aragami, and they claim it is so repulsive that they refuse to spawn or enter an area up to 30 blocks away. The P-53 dissolves though, so more needs to be pumped in to keep the wall working.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left][b][u]New features:[/u][/b][/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [left]Adds a whole new set of mobs, called Aragami. Has options in config file to adjust spawn rate, Aragami spawnable, and whether or not they can spawn.[/left]

    [left] [/left]


    [left] [/left]

    [left]As with the Gibbycraft mod, this is open to anyone who wants to join the team.[/left]

    [left] [/left]

    [center] [/center]

  17. Important question, as this will save me a load of time. Forge 3.3.7 claims to have Modloader and ModloaderMP built into itself. I am making a mod that utilizes features from IC2, Buildcraft, Equivalent Exchange, Redpower2 (after I sort out some things with Eloraam), ComputerCraft, and Railcraft. Is Forge 3.3.7 all I would need to make the mod compatible with all of these and Tekkit 3.04? And will this make for easier SMP coding?

  18. I wouldn't put that kid of shit past Notch, but most of that is probably the compiler optimization re-using variables like they're virtual registers to conserve heap space (and make allocation to real registers easier at runtime). Local variables are the one thing that Java doesn't preserve very well from the source (and not really any reason to, considering).

    Which is why I prefer to get the source files I really need from the developer if I can. Reading decompiled java code is a pain in the ass, especially when someone has a well documented piece of it on hand. Comments are insanely useful to understand many functions in a class, and how to implement them. Even self documented code without comments is easier to read and understand.

  19. Welcome to the world of programming. It's a "WROTE EPIC CODE LIKE A BOSS TIME TO MINECRAFT!" -> Compiles with errors -> "Dafuq just happened??? Everything is Java's fault... Oh, fine, I'll double check my code." -> "WHY THE HELL DID I MISS THAT STUPID } AFTER MY FUNCTION ENDED???" -> goto step 2. In java form:

    public class worldOfCoding


    public static void main(String[] args)


    Code test = new Code();

    for(int i = 0; i<9001; i++)






    System.out.println("IT FINALLY WORKS!!! ME GUSTA!");



    // let object "Code" be your code for the mod. All methods in Code are not shown here. Hell, none of Code is shown here

    // Feel free to make a class for Code and run this java code if you want. I see no reason to, but if it floats your boat, let it.

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