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Everything posted by Platinum_Spinaz

  1. Age: 25 IGN (In Game Name) Platinum_Spinaz Why Do you want to Play on this Server? It looks active, and the server I was playing on previously has closed for the foreseeable future. What Do you want to Build? A place to call home, somewhere I can rest my head while complex machinery liquefies cows in the background.
  2. Name: Cole IGN: Platinum_Spinaz Age: 25 Favorite Tekkit Mod: MineFactory Reloaded-- I hope it doesn't sound boring but I just love that rednet cable so so much. What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? recreational reading. (I like to live dangerously.) Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred) I live on the west coast of the continental United States, in a place that stays soggy year-round. I love hiking and one of my dreams is to find a mountain that I can hike uphill both ways (I know, it's impossible.) I am a terrible cook, my favorite food is *anything wrapped in a tortilla* and my best friend is a malamute. Tell us about something you like about yourself: My expressive eyebrows. Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: My very real fear of mountain lions.
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