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Everything posted by TheCrafterman99

  1. IGN:Music_Machine Experience: I know almost everything but not everything PvP or PvE: I like PvE more than PvP
  2. IGN: Music_Machine Reason for joining: I really want to play some good surivival hexxit and i enjoy playing with other people Tell me a little about yourself: Im 15 and I play football and make music Do you fully understand all the rules: yes
  3. IGN:Music_Machine Experience in Hexxit: i know almost everything there is to know Are you a PvP or PvE player: i like PvE better than PvP
  4. the ip is

    1. Xobra


      It wont let me join. it says cant reach server

  5. Age : 15 Name : Lucas Minecraft Username : Music_Machine Google Hangout Name : none Skype Name : GalgaxZ
  6. Age: 15 Gender:Male IGN:Music_Machine Skype: yes Maturity:9 Humor:10 Dedication: i will play when on which is normally
  7. IGN:Music_Machine Skype(Must have):GalgaxZ Experience:I understand almost everything about hexxit but there might be some little things i may forget Age(16 or OLDER):16 Pros & Cons about yourself:Very kind and friendly and i dont think i have any cons Bans(If any): None Favorite Minecraft Youtuber & Why: i really cant pick between ll of them i like them all equally
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