Hello, I am the to-be owner of Potentially Awesome Tekkit Classic, and we are looking for some staff for when we start up. We are a towny/economy based server, mid-way through development. We need moderators, admins, builders and helpers. here is the app form.
Name: Age: Country: Know us IRL: Position to apply for (ADM, MOD, DEV): Why you think you should win: Why you want to be staff: Servers you have worked on in the past w/detail: Do you fully agree to, and will comply with even if changes are made, the server and staff rules: [*SERVER RULES No Hacking No directed swearing No Raiding/Griefing Report bugs to staff Don't be racist. Don't cheat! Respect the staff and other players English ONLY in main chat, messages can be other languages but not all staff speak foreign languages. DON'T ask for staff. Apply on the site once at Entrepreneur rank. Drop parties are held at staff discretion, no set schedule is provided
*STAFF RULES all server rules, + You must NOT give away staff ranks, Items or any other staff-only perk just because they are your friend, or they ask for it. They must apply and they will be dealt with in a fair way. Do Not abuse your rank. Understand that if we feel that you do, you may have your rank removed or may be banned. Do not kick and ban for fun. Do not PVP or team with players, you can offer help such as "how does this plugin work?" "what is banned?" etc. If a player asks for you to tp to them (e.g. can you tell me why this IC2 setup is not working?) you send them a TPA request. only use TP (forced tp) if the relationship is hostile (e.g. somebody is greifing) You must fully accept that we can suspend your staff status at any time and you should not retaliate, we usually have a very good reason. We may not assign you the rank that you asked for, if we already have enough of that rank and we feel your application would suit another rank. Do not ask for promotion if we have already told you this is impossible. If somebody is misbehaving on the server, have patience, ban them and leave it at that. Do not threaten, kill, DDoS etc. Staff (mods in particular) should always be friendly. your job is to solve arguments, not start them.]
Languages you speak: Contact methods (your skype, email adress etc): Additional Info:
Thankyou for applying at Potentially Awesome Tekkit Classic!