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Posts posted by MaxK

  1. Hello guys!

    So I've been running a LAN-multiplayer server with technicpack for a while now, and have been using a setup where I pump lava from the nether using liquid tesseracts to magmatic engines on the surface. After updating to 1.1.8 however, the liquid tesseracts in the nether have been acting weird (randomly stops working). At first I thought the lava at that location had run low, so I moved my pumpstations around, but to no avail. I can see that the pumps are working while I'm in the nether, as the liquiducts fill with lava, but no lava is sent to the surface. I guess that indicates a problem either with the tesseracts or the dimensional anchors. I've tried remaking everything and moving the pumps in the nether, and changing tesseract frequency, but I just can't get the darn thing to work again.

    I'm using a setup like this:


    2 pumps powered by magmatic engines

    Lava sent through liquid tesseracts to surface

    Dimensional anchor placed at station, 5x5 chunks


    (the DA is placed just behind me, and loads 3x3 chunks)


    1 liquid tesseract receiving lava

    Lava distributed to 36-39 magmatic engines (divided in 3 blocks, I usually only run 1 block)

    Energy distributed to my various stuff using 1 energy tesseract per engine block

    Dimensional anchor placed nearby


    Any thoughts on why it's not working anymore?

    EDIT: Signing removed. Apparently I'm a loser, and have now read the rules.

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