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Everything posted by xMrWhitera

  1. Tomorrow is drawing to a close in GMT -4 land, what time zone is the community?
  2. The dim doors that go between worlds don't cause lag, its the pocket dimensions and dungeons that cause the lag. If intra-linking panels can transport overworld blocks and to the nether that sounds like the best solution.
  3. From my previous server we found linking books caused less lag than dim doors, so if you want to be able to go to the moon quickly ask for a linking book there. Now its not the dim doors from one place to another that cause lag, it is the dungeons, so if there is a way to have the doors without the dungeons that might be a good solution. That way instead of making a quarry world, we can just quarry 50k blocks north of spawn or further with a dim door. and eliminate mystcraft.
  4. Also on our own pack, i think we would be better served turning off items and addons that are causing server trouble, and restrict chunk loading and quarry size. Maybe we could chose between dim doors or mystcarft because they are both high resource mods. I realized that my quarry spills items when i log off because i don't have a chunk loader on the receiving end of the tesseract, but it only drops a few items since the power is also unloaded. This might be something other people are doing inadvertently. Should also turn off / pick up a chunkloader if your going to be gone for a long time that way we can save that ram. Chicken chunks has an option to configure maximums for players and turn off automatically when players log off.
  5. Where can i get updates on server status issues, I can't connect atm.
  6. xMrWhitera 21 Toronto none Played with some close friends on a tekkit server. I know how to program turtles, build ME factories. and I know from experience that gold conductive pipes can explode when you go afk. I'm looking for a new tekkit server that has an active community since my old server has gone down. I'm also a casual WoW player. In game I love to make automated factories and use turtles as much as I can.
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