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About Orameus

  • Birthday 11/16/1997

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Good to know. Thanks!
  2. You might want to try deleting the whole launcher and redownloading if that wasn't what you meant by the second thing. You could also see if you can log in to any other modpack that has an update. I am not sure how it would help, but it wouldn't hurt to try restarting your computer and trying again.
  3. I hate this minimap too. Personally I don't know why they didn't just stick with the Tekkit one. You can edit it by pressing "m" which will show you a screen-size map, but will then give you options in the top corner. Press esc. to close it. You can also press "n" twice I think, which will turn it off.
  4. You probably don't have the same version as the server host. They can see what version the host is using on his or her server by looking at the name of the file the server was downloaded as. For example, my server is named "Hexxit_Server_v1.0.5". In case you don't know how, you can change versions by clicking the gear under the Hexxit modpack when you start up the launcher. Then click "manually select build" and you can change it.
  5. I was playing on a Tekkit server and I tried removing a few mods that I didn't really like, such as Thermal Expansion, but then my server wouldn't start properly. I also tried adding mods, which didn't work well either. Anyway I just gave up after a while when I realized that Tekkit Classic was what I wanted.
  6. try uninstalling the launcher and reinstalling it. It has worked for me.
  7. I have tried deleting mods before and it doesn't always work well. you might want to make a copy of your world or server before doing that just in case.
  8. If the question is "how do I fix it?" we will need more info. Does the lag happen when you enter your world in Hexxit? Have you played Hexxit before without lag? Have you been in a world for a while that only just started lagging? Are you hosting a server or playing single-player? Are you playing on someone else's server? Have you done anything recently that might cause lag, i.e. lighting 250 TNT, spawning a hoard of mobs, making a fast fluctuating redstone ciruit?
  9. try having the host reset their internet (btw I believe that will change their IP address) and restart the server. I've had similar problems on Tekkit.
  10. Don't waste money with Hamachi unless you are planning on hosting for a ton of people. Watch this video. It is the best walkthrough on starting up a server.
  11. ok well you need a certain version of java or better for the launcher to download. He can check to see if he has it by opening command prompt and typing "java -version" if he doesn't have the latest JRE download he should download that from the java website and uninstall his old one. Here is a video that explains how to do that near the beginning. It is mainly for starting servers on minecraft but it is also great for explaining this.
  12. I have had similar problems multiple times with Tekkit. I had three different solutions. 1) uninstall and reinstall the launcher 2) reset host's internet and restart the server 3) make sure you are playing on the right version of Hexxit. Try switching versions and then switch back if that doesn't work. If all else fails say a Hail Mary Let me know if any of those fixes it.
  13. He may need a newer version of Java. If that is not it could you say if he is trying to download the launcher or a server?
  14. Do you know if it works on peaceful?
  15. I have looked all over the internet and done a fair bit of experimenting but still can't figure out how to get limited mob spawners to work. In specific none of my "New Entries" will save. When I am done with one I click "save and quit". When nothing happens I reopen it and find that the entry isn't there anymore. The only things that don't change are the settings I adjust on the main page. I didn't want to put this with the bugs because I am not sure whether it is that or just something I am not noticing. I can't find anything about this item anywhere and I can't even figure out which mod it comes with. Some help would be much appreciated. Btw all my spawned in preprogramed spawners and generated dungeon spawners work if that is any help.
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