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Everything posted by Ronz0

  1. sorry picture didnt load for some reason
  2. So i Play My own Mod pack that I created for me and my friends(Its just tekkit with stuff added that's why im posting here) and When ever i travel around some chunks will just be black until i walk on them. Does anyone know whats causing this? This is my mod pack http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/ronz0.24106 here's a mod list -Forge mod loader -Optifine -Somnia -Mystcraft -NotEnoughItems -Rei's minimap -Industrialcraft 2 -BuildCraft -ComputerCraft -RedPower -Mo'creatures -EE2 -EnderStorage -MAtmos -IronChest mod -NetherOres -Railcraft -Steves's Carts -Treecapitator -Balkon's WeaponMod -IDResolver -Thuamcraft (other small mods/add-ons like thermal expansion and longistics pipes etc...) -Smart Moving -Revolver mod A few of RISUGAMI's Mods: -Elemental Arrows -More Stackables -Sign Tags -Death Chest -AudioMod -EnchantingPlus -More Enchantments mod -CustomEMC -MorePistons mod -CactusCraft Please help! thanks
  3. I was upset by this change also. so I made my own pack which is the same as technic ssp but with portal gun mod added (I like that mod) It even works with old technic ssp saves. http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/ronz0.24106
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