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Everything posted by TjayBrah

  1. Just solved it, you need to not only go to the hexxit server folder file and go to config and then mapwriter config and change teleportation enabled to 1 You also need to do this on your local machine, so find your local hexxit folder and do the same thing
  2. Constantly getting the error "Teleportation is disabled in mapwriter.config" I have opened my hexxit server files > Config and then found mapwriter config and changed teleportation enabled to 1 as i've seen in many videos. Though it still keeps saying the same error when i launch the server again. Any help at all ?
  3. Has this been solved yet? I went into the hexxit server files, went into config, found mapwriter.cfg and changed teleportation enabled to 1 and then ran the launch file again and started my server, though it still says that teleportation is disabled? Any help is appreciated because for this server its quite annoying walking everywhere ! and don't want to use command blocks
  4. Damn, so theres nothing else kind of similar to sky den ?
  5. Hi forum! Ok so im trying to find some mod packs to play, im still kind of new to minecraft not really that pro at it. Though me and my brother play together on LAN constantly and i've just learnt how to use mod packs with the technic launcher. We want some good mod pack suggestions that we could play together (Doesnt have to be on the technic launcher). The mod packs we've currently played are Sky Den and Hexxit , below are my preferences to the kind of mod pack we want Preferences: - We like Survival style mod packs with adventure in it. - We Love having quests and is the main thing we're looking for ones with good quests, we loved sky den for the quests where as with hexxit we felt we didn't have a true goal to aim for, we prefer to be sent out on quests and progress through a game - Needs to work for 2 people possibly 4 - Not too difficult to install (i play on a macbook he plays on a windows laptop) - Something with a lot of different items in comparison to vanilla minecraft Thank you for all your help , look forward to the suggestions
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