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Everything posted by ShaggyTheGreat

  1. My Username: Juliancecchetto My Reason for Joining the Server: I love playing tekkit, and i love playing with others even more, but on the non whitelist server grefers and trolls ect... are in great numbers. i am looking for a friendly environment where everyone can get along and lag is banished to the forgotten lands of who gives a F*** where it goes its lag everyone hates u. Am i an experienced tekkiter? Yes! i know much about tekkit and how things work from months of playing and frequent visits to the wiki, i have learned the ins and outs of most of the tekkit items involving simple magic and fairly complex power systems. Will i follow the rules? Of Course! Why would i apply to an awesome little gig like this and just throw it away by not following rules! Hope to see you soon on your server! ~Shaggy
  2. My Username: Juliancecchetto My Reason for Joining the Server: I love playing tekkit, and i love playing with others even more, but on the non whitelist server grefers and trolls ect... are in great numbers. i am looking for a friendly environment where everyone can get along and lag is banished to the forgotten lands of who gives a F*** where it goes its lag everyone hates u. Am i an experienced tekkiter? Yes! i know much about tekkit and how things work from months of playing and frequent visits to the wiki, i have learned the ins and outs of most of the tekkit items involving simple magic and fairly complex power systems. Will i follow the rules? Of Course! Why would i apply to an awesome little gig like this and just throw it away by not following rules! Hope to see you soon on your server! ~Shaggy
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