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Everything posted by Kandeykinz

  1. We would like announce the opening of our new hub for our modded servers!! The ip for that is: mc.funsquaregames.com:25705 Also our Riot Legends PVP server is now open. It is a pvp version of tekkit legends. So come on and join us for some fun! Thank you, -FSG Staff
  2. All of our servers are up and running now. We have also updated to the latest Tekkit Legends update, so feel free to update away! Have fun starting new adventures!
  3. Thank you for your patience everyone. We are now updated to 1.0.8 on Tekkit Legends. This mainly just updated the already existing mods on the pack. ALSO, we will be opening a fun, exciting Tekkit PVP server very soon. So keep an eye out for that update as well. As always we hope you enjoy your time on our server and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  4. We at Fun Square Games do allow MIning Turtles!!! YAY along with other fun exciting items. Come on over and check us out!!
  5. Please visit our website at funsquaregames.com to read about the new updates we have going on for our server! We hope you enjoy your time on our server and good luck on your adventures!!
  6. I'd be interested in playing.
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