Minecraft username: firey727
(optional)Age: 18
Why you want to play on this server: been looking to do some rp and saw this on on the forums and want to join
How you found this server: tekkit forums
Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?: nope
How well do you know the mods?: 7 out of 10
How often do you play?: Minecraft? (about every day) your server? about 2-5 hours a day
Why do you feel you should be accepted?: well I am a good rper. Was in a few groups in the past they all have disbanded now and i have been looking for a new one those days. I am a well trusted person as well.
I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes
-Roleplay section-
Role-play character's name: Patrick Ranford
Character's background story: Patrick from a parallel dimension, was working in his quantum physics lab he was studying how the subatomic particles could register in time and space. He started to mess with the particles when by incidentally rip one causing a vortex to open up pull him into it. He pass out from shock. He woke up about an hour later see that he is in a whole new world. He found him self on a island. after a day on the island a ship pulled up and started to dock. He aboard the ship and began to ask who was in charge of the ship. A young guy came up to Patrick and said, "I am captain Troll. What to you need my friend." Patrick explains himself tell what had happened. Captain Troll Laughs " Quantum Physics! We have already master that in this age i will give you my parallel world jumper so you can get back to your world." Captain troll hands him the jumper and says " Now be careful its only got 4 jumps left and if you run in a world with out the tech you will be trapped there till you can build on of your own." Patrick says thanks and jumps back to his own world using a blood sample. As he back in his lab he starts to look for a way to make another jumper so he can explore the parallel worlds. So he jumps to a random world to look for the blue-prints of this device. The first world he jumps to is a very ran down world with a lot of zombies. His second jump is to a world of blacksmiths and warriors who teach him how to forge metals and make weapons. As he begins to jump back to his home world due to the fact that it was his last jump he pushes the jump dill over to much warps to a new world that he had never been to....
Character's age: 21