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Posts posted by xxShark

  1. Also, less importantly, do Tropicraft portals reset the server spawn on your servers? Because they sure as hell do on mine. This is Vanilla AOBT with nothing else in it or changed.


    Yes. It will reset your spawn all the damn time (took me forever to find out what mod was causing the problem).  I removed the Tropicraft mod from my server as well as a few others that were causing issues.  no one really cared about the ones I removed.


    I have had a lot of issues with galacticraft as well. I haven't been on much since I installed the latest update, but I haven't had any complaints as of yet.

  2. okay we have a dedicatet server running 2 minecraft mod packs¨!

    1.B-Team >6GBram Lot of crashes n sh*t

    2.Tekkit lite>4GB no problems at all


    So i wanna ask you guys what plugins do you use for forgeserver to manage your server besides McMyadmin.

    still 24GB ram left but somehow cant use them on B-Team


    I'm using McMyAdmin for all my MC servers.  I run Hexxit, Tekkit, Bukkit, and B-Team.  What issues are you having with B-Team and McMyAdmin?

  3. Is there going to be a wiki available soon? I'd love to be able to share some of my understanding of the mods involved, especially some of the lesser-known ones like Minions and openblocks that I have extensive experience with. a lot of them take 'tricks' that are entirely undocumented (or might have even escaped the dev's notice) such as 'the care and feeding of minions'

    Here is the wiki.. I'm not sure if it is official or not, but I added a couple things so far.


  4. I think that 25 xp is far far too punishing, since I consider minions to be an integral part of the processing chain, but as far as having only two or even one minion, that sounds like a bloody brilliant idea. I would actually lower the exp cost to nothing but limit people to two or maybe even only one minion

    The reason I did the XP penalty is I I was getting tons of mine shafts all over the world and I don't want to regen or start a new world every couple weeks. This keeps the world a bit cleaner and makes minions more of a reward to use. I thin of it like enchanting a weapon. The more xp the better the reward. I do think 25 is a bit high though. I may lower it to 15 or 18 soon.

  5. *************UPDATE*************

    not that ppl are on the moon. Galacticraft is erroring out which is fixed in a newer version of galacticraft........ So im getting a huge crash loop and yah we will see what happens.......

    yeah. I'm getting a lot of Galiticraft errors as well. if we run the new version on the server will my players have to download the new version of GC as well? or will it auto download? I've only been running modded servers for a few months. Mostly running bukkit servers fro the past 3 years

  6. I am figuring more and more minions and servers don't go together anyway (sigh)

    I limited the amount of minions per player to 2.

    I also set it to require 25xp to attempt to be able to get the staff. It has helped a lot with that mod pack's issues.

    Still tons of other issues though.

  7. UPDATE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    every time i get the tick error, the servers Bandwidth goes to nothing and the disk usage goes to MAX. It must be trying to save something, not sure what or why but it’s trying to save.

    same thing happening to me as well. I'm trying to track down the mod(s) that could be causing this or maybe its an action on the server.

    Also.. my spawn point keeps changing from my default spawn location to an area right on top of someone's house. You have this happen yet?

    I can do /spawn and it will take me to the correct area, but when new people join for the first time they are taken to the wrong spawn location.

  8. Yah i got to the point and said F*** it and did a map reset on mcpc 231, bteam 1.0.5, and seems to run MUCH better, MUCH better. still some minor lag but its ppl spawning the world so we will see within the next 24 hours so far NO errors on console!! (with minions removed and dubstep gun banned)

    cool. let me know how it works out over the next day or so. I may have to reset the world if it works a lot better.

  9. How do we add MCPC+ to the server in general?

    I've never used it before, but I'm having a little trouble with installing it for Attack of the B team

    Download MCPC+ from here: http://ci.md-5.net/job/MCPC-Plus-164/


    Then replace Bteam.jar with mcpc-plus.jar

    I haven't had too many problems using MCPC+, but I'm sure it may cause problems with some of the mods.


    so what did you do to fid the tick issue????


    I'm also still having random TPS drops to single digits with only 30 players on.  No clue which mod(s) are causing the lag.  I hope this get diagnosed soon and then a patch is released. I still get the Tick crash every few hours. and sometimes I see it pop up in the console a few times in a row without crashing then everything goes back to normal.

  10. This is an error I got on 1.0.2:

    	at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77969_a(ItemStack.java:580)
    	at com.mrcrayfish.furniture.tileentity.TileEntityOven.solidifyItems(TileEntityOven.java:432)
    	at com.mrcrayfish.furniture.tileentity.TileEntityOven.func_70316_g(TileEntityOven.java:323)
    	at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:2718)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:887)
    	at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:330)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:781)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:663)
    	at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(ThreadMinecraftServer.java:16)

    Every time I went to the location of the Oven it crashed. I banned the oven (World banned TC) til I figure it out.

    Full Report: http://pastebin.com/9PpubNwP


    yeah, I had to ban the oven using TekkitCustomizer as well, it would crash the server.

    - 854:*:BlockOven:Causes Server Crash
  11. so the server is getting worse and worse im getting mutliple "simpleplutinhanderler"  "playerlistner" and bunches ov errors in console no realll reasyin. i can see doublechest pops up. I am also still having the tick and ethernet drop where it just kicks everyone: http://pastebin.com/wX1VPZTy or look at that paste bin.

    just upgraded to mcpc 230 will see how that is running. IF that works great but tonight i will be testin essentials to see if that is causeing problems

    Have you tried removing the bukkit plugins and running the server for a while to see if it still crashes? Thats what I had to do. That's how I found out that HawkEye was causing a lot of problems.  My server has been up all day with 30 people and it hasn't crashed once.  I did have to restart it 2 times though cause one or more mods have some serious memory leaks


    the "DoubleChest" error is more than likely from Hawkeye if your still using that.  thats the same error I was getting when players were using bamboo chests.  Try changing to CoreProtect.

  12. that is exactly what im going to do tonight when  the server isnt as full. can you post what your using for your .bat? and is anyone using autorank? i can not seem to locate a version that works with the new mcpc


    Here are all of the arguments I am using

    -Xms10240M -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:ParallelGCThreads=3 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=5 -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3 -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+UseStringCache -XX:+UseCompressedStrings -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+AggressiveOpts


    Im also using OnTime for automtically ranking my players.  I have ranks in bPermisions Groups and after a set amount of time It automatically ranks them up.  you may look into that for ranks.


    I'm using McMyAdmin so I have the memory set in a different area.. I am using 10GB (10240MB) and havent had any issues since I added these changes.  I have had 30 players on the server for the past 3 or 4 hours and no errors so far :)


    Plugins (34): WorldBorder, WorldEdit, ChillaxFixes, ChatControl, Teleports, Buycraft, consolefilter, Vault, PermissionsEx, Multiverse-Core, MyCommand, consolerestart, ItemSlotMachine, WorldGuard, Jail, RemoteToolkitPlugin, SwearReplacer, TekkitCustomizer, Sign Edit, Random Spawn, HawkEye, HubKick, ChestShop, ClearLag, ProtocolLib, Votifier, mcMMO, BungeeSuitePortals, Essentials, Towny, EssentialsSpawn, VotifierScripts, Chat

    I was using MCPC+ #229 and I just noticed there was an update for it, #230 and I haven't gotten the crash since I updated. But that might be just luck


    I removed HawkEye and started using CoreProtect and I haven't had that crash you are experiencing again.  I think it had something to do with handling interactions on specific events.  I also added a ton of java parameters to help out (other the the garbage collection).


    It has been running strong for about 4 hours now.  TPS is hanging in at 19+


    I've also never had any luck with mcMMO on modded servers.


    You might want to disable all plugins except Essentials and PEX.  Then run it for a while to see if you get the exception.

    Then slowly add 1 plugin at a time to see which one(s) may be causing problems.

  14. I had to disable Minions again.  It started crashing my server not long after my last post.  I'll look into MCToolKit.  Are you using Tekkit Customizer? It works great to ban certain items. 

    Here is what I have banned so far that has caused some problems
    - 854:*:BlockOven:Causes Server Crash
    - 6606:*:Entity Mover:Bypasses Anit Grief
    - 11272:*:Luggage:Can be used to duplicate items
    - 13167:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13168:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13169:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 6606:*:Entity Mover:Bypasses Anit Grief
    - 11272:*:Luggage:Can be used to duplicate items
    - 13167:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13168:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13169:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 854:*:BlockOven:Causes Server Crash
    - 6606:*:Entity Mover:Bypasses Anit Grief
    - 11272:*:Luggage:Can be used to duplicate items
    - 13167:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13168:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13169:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 6606:*:Entity Mover:Bypasses Anit Grief
    - 11272:*:Luggage:Can be used to duplicate items
    - 13167:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13168:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13169:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 6606:*:Entity Mover:Bypasses Anit Grief
    - 11272:*:Luggage:Can be used to duplicate items
    - 13167:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13168:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    - 13169:*:Dubstep Gun:Bypasses PVP settings
    We are also having the Morph problems.  Some people cant be mobs like pigs, but other players can.  I haven't yet been able to figure out the reason for this.
  15. ok.. well.. the server has been going for 2 hours with now problems.  here is what I changed.


    It seems that the Garbage Collection that java was performing for B-Team wasn't working very well using the default garbage collection method.  So I changed it to use the "Concurrent Low Pause Collector"


    in McMyAdmin set it like this: Java.GC=concurrent

    if your using a batch file to launch your server you can try this parameter "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"

    If your using MultiCraft you will have to check the documentation to see where to set this parameter.


    this may or may not help, but it has drastically dropped my memory consumption by about 22%

  16. I was having the same problems.  Minions is now fixed in the latest B-Team update, so you could probably add it back to your server.  


    I am mainly having OutOfMemory exceptions now which make no sense since I have a dedicated 16GB for the B-Team server.  When monitoring the server RAM with B-Team running it only every reaches about 7GB RAM usage, then will crash.  It says the reason for the crash was that it ran out of memory.  I am still puzzled inb this and will be working on figuring it out the rest of the day today.  I will post my results here.  This will be a great spot for people to come and check out solutions for their B-Team Servers.


    I haven't had any problems Running MCPC+ (Other than OutOfMemory Exceptions, still not sure if MCPC is related to the problem).  I'm currently using Build #228 (http://ci.md-5.net/job/MCPC-Plus-164/228/) for 1.6.4.

  17. im also using hamachi and when i double click on launch it says (file location) java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar BTeam.jar nogui 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    Try to point directly to the java.exe and remove "java"

    so your batch would look like

    C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar BTeam.jar nogui


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar BTeam.jar nogui

  18. I was searching around and couldn't find one, so here is my config if anyone wants to use LWC on their Hexxit server and protect some of the Hexxit specific items.

        denyRedstone: false
        denyHoppers: true
        autoRegister: false
        ignoreBlockDestruction: false
        ignoreLeftClick: false
        ignoreRightClick: false
        ignoreExplosions: false
        allowEntityBreakDoor: false
        allowEntityInteract: false
        quiet: false
        readonly-modify: false
        readonly-remove: false
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
                enabled: true
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
                enabled: true
                enabled: true
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '41':        #block of Gold
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '42':        #block of Iron
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private       
            '57':        #block of Diamond
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '95':        #locked chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '130':      #ender chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '133':      #block of Emerald
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '138':      #Beacon
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '145':      #Anvil
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '145:1':    #Slightly Damaged Anvil
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '145:2':    #Very Damaged Anvil
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '152':      #block of Redstone
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '154':      #Hopper
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '155':      #block of Quartz
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '389':      #item frame
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '408':      #Mine-cart with Hopper
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1015':      #block of Steel
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1053':      #Reinforced Iron Chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1053:1':    #Reinforced Gold Chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1053:2':    #Reinforced Diamond Chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1053:3':    #Reinforced Emerald Chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1053:5':    #Reinforced Copper Chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1053:6':    #Reinforced Tin Chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1053:7':    #Reinforced Silver Chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1053:8':    #Reinforced Zinc Chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1051':      #Armor Stand
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1071':      #Armor Stand
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1073':      #Oak Shelf
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1073:1':    #Spruce Shelf
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1073:2':    #Birch Shelf
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1073:3':    #Jungle Shelf
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074':      #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:1':    #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:2':    #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:3':    #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:4':    #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:5':    #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:6':    #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:7':    #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:8':    #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:9':    #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:10':  #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:11':  #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:12':  #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:13':  #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:14':  #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1074:15':  #lamp
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075':      #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:1':    #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:2':    #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:3':    #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:4':    #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:5':    #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:6':    #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:7':    #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:8':    #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:9':    #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:10':  #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:11':  #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:12':  #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:13':  #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:14':  #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1075:15':  #lantern
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1076':      #Oak Potion Shelf
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1076:1':    #Spruce Potion Shelf
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1076:2':    #Birch Potion Shelf
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1076:3':    #Jungle Potion Shelf
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1077':      #Printing Press
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080':      #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:1':    #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:2':    #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:3':    #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:4':    #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:5':    #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:6':    #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:7':    #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:8':    #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:9':    #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:10':  #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:11':  #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:12':  #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:13':  #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:14':  #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1080:15':  #Case
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1081':      #Oak Tool Rack
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1081:1':    #Spruce Tool Rack
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1081:2':    #Birch Tool Rack
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1081:3':    #Jungle Tool Rack
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1201':      #block of Red Meteor Gem
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315':      #Block of Cobalt
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315:1':    #Block of Ardite
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315:2':    #Block of Manyullyn
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315:3':    #Block of Copper
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315:4':    #Block of Bronze
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315:5':    #Block of Tin
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315:6':    #Block of Aluminium
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315:7':    #Block of Aluminium Brass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315:8':    #Block of Alumite
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1315:9':    #Block of Steel
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1312':      #Seared Tank
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1312:1':    #Seared Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1312:2':    #Seared Window
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1321:1':    #Seared Faucet
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1321:2':    #Seared basin
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1321':      #Casting Table
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1322':      #Smeltery Controller
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1322:1':    #Smeltery Drain
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1322:2':    #Seared Bricks
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330':      #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:1':    #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:2':    #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:3':    #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:4':    #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:5':    #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:6':    #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:7':    #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:8':    #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:9':    #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:10':  #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:11':  #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:12':  #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:13':  #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:14':  #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1330:15':  #Stained Glass
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1341':      #tool forge
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1326':      #Tool Station
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1326:1':    #Part Builder
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1326:5':    #Pattern Chest
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '1326:10':  #Stencil Table
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '2335':      #secret trap door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '6153':      #door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '6153:1':    #door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '6153:2':    #door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '6153:3':    #door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '6153:4':    #door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '6153:5':    #door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '6153:6':    #door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '7501':      #secret iron door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private
            '7759':      #secret wooden door
                enabled: true
                autoRegister: private

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