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About PuddinTime

  • Birthday 06/28/1996

PuddinTime's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Um.. I think theres a problem when i tried to connect to your server it said End Stream or something like that.
  2. IGN: Bellace66 Why Do You Want To Play On This Server: I just want to have a place to meet new people and learn more about tekkit What Do You Want To Build: Everything ^-^
  3. Sorry My IGN is Bellace66 My mistake xD
  4. IGN: PuddinTime Age: 16 What Country: USA Why: I'm just looking for a server to play with some friends. Would I Find Your Name On MCBANS? If So Why: I'm not that sure. I think awhile ago when i first started i greifed one time because i didn't know what it meant,but now I do. So I won't do that in any other servers. Do you agree to the rules above: Yes
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