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Everything posted by YippeeKiYay

  1. I'm trying to figure out how to use this thing, I get that it needs a Redstone signal, and I've filled it up with lava and water, I apply the signal, but I only get like 1MJ/Tick. This can't be right, so what am I doing wrong? I don't understand, thank you anybody who can help me.
  2. I would Use those resources if they were more updated. I get the survival tabs thing too, it's good, but I can just use /gamemode c or something to switch out on a superflat world.
  3. I just starting using tekkit a couple weeks ago and I'm slowly grasping it all there is to it, still a long way to go, but I cannot figure out how to set up a force field. I read about forcicium and I see videos with it, but I when I look up parts in videos(extractor) I can't find it in the creative search. Can anyone guide me to setting up a simple force field?
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