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Everything posted by BigDrewskii

  1. Tell ya what Cap. When it comes to "new users" Finding the rules is a bit difficult. Lets not be a dunce, and make them blaint obvious. Then you wouldn't worry about being a smart azz
  2. Okay i back with another question Discovered on my server today that the snow golem morph can grief a protected with snow. How would i prevent this? Thanks Drew
  3. Okay i back with another question Discovered on my server today that the snow golem morph can grief a protected with snow. How would i prevent this? Thanks *signed name stolen by a wild Mankey!*
  4. Okay kool! Thanks for the info. I well keep you posted. Thanks Drew
  5. Ah yes yes. Thank your very much. Do you have any info on blacklisting any mobs? or were i can find the class files for them? So that players can donate for them? Thanks a ton Drew
  6. Okay. I have had an issue with players morphing intoo the dinos and greifing my spawn. At the time I have no resources for a HUB. And i haven't the clue how to ban these 4 morphs in the config. I've seen servers with this done. But i cant seem to find the enitie files needed to do so. I've spent hours trying to find a slid solution. Any ideas? Thanks Drew
  7. I was curios if there is a mod or plugin out there that can allow me to flag an area as you would with World Guard to prevent ALL or some players from using there Morph. Or perhaps have them de-morph? Thanks Drew
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