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About Cameron/Cam_Jam

  • Birthday 08/16/1995

Cameron/Cam_Jam's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Hey Creeper could you also add "TheDyer" he's my recording buddy. he wont break any rules, and he is a good laugh. thanks Cam_Jam
  2. Hi, probably not the best place to put this but anyway, On the server and looking for some one to team up with to build some cool stuff, if any one is interested message me and we can talk it out. P.S: if there is a server website/form can some one link it to me please. Cam_Jam
  3. Hi, new to the server. just wondering if there is a form or website for the server if so any link's avalible

  4. HI, User Name: Cam_Jam My reason for joining the server: love playing Tekkit, but a bit of a drag on your own, so would love to play in a larger community. My experience in Tekkit: over year and a half. Best skill's : Pipe work, self regulating EMC Generators, and mob grinders. will I follow the rules: of course, who would not in a fun communal server. + Have Skype, if this apply's.
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