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Posts posted by arctichenry

  1. YI mean no rerespet to russians in this post by the way its a joke I honestly always wanted to be russian.

    Am I honestly the only one who saw that?

    Back on topic, I didn't meen to throw this into a political debate, I mearly ment that a wide verity of things invented in the space race are used in US daily life, however this isnt to say that other nations space races havent impacted life to. My apologies, as my response was poorly worded, and may have conveyed the wrong message.

  2. ikr, they are bouncing it off a sat in high mars orbit, then through the void to earth, hitting a array.

    BTW, the way they landed it was simply epic.

    EDIT: ya, I didnt think of that. Thought there was only one cam, but that makes much more sense. Know when we will be getting the first photos from the mast?

  3. Just a little FYI about the photos:

    They are in black and white simply because of the amount of bytes a single photo from its cameras require. Black and white photos take less bytes, and therefore are easier to beam back to earth. You do have to realize the amount of times the signal is getting bounced around up there.

  4. Im now intrested, however this could simply be a crossover thing (I forget the name) where if you name a world after one you deleated, some of the objects can get transfered into the new world from the old one. Ask your friend if he ever built a world with the objects he found.

    If he didnt, then this could be a truely intresting find, as there may be some extra code in the world generation....

  5. You will have to connect a HV transformer dirrectly to the reactor, or place a HV transformer connected to the reactor with HV cabeling (they can take EV) with the 3 dots (the input side?) faceing twards the reactor or the HV cabeling.


    damn, I just got ninja'ed out of firstpost.

  6. Look, I dont meen to be hard about this, but unless you can host a server localy, there is little to no chance at all of you being able to get a offsite server for free. You have to toss some money in each month (or anualy) to host a server. These things dont come cheep, the servers.

  7. It would be possible for me to host a server for you, however due to it being in alaska, there may be a high ping problem...

    Also, I dont think anyone including myself would provide a 24/7 server for you for free, im sorry, but these things cost money to maintain.

    Your best bet would be getting a job or some other form of income and buy a dedicated server yourself.

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