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About zeress

  • Birthday 12/24/1989

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Forewarning: I'm a bit of a newbie with servers I got my Tekkit (base, not classic) server launched and running just fine (imported from a single player save) and I've hit a bit of a snag. Nobody can open chests, doors etc. If I OP people it will work, but I simply cannot figure out how to make people able to do it without giving them OP. This server is running with only a small circle of people so I am not too worried about griefers etc as I have set up the white list as well. Here is my permissions.yml groups: Default default: true build: true prefix: '&7[Member]&f' permissions - essentials.help - modifyworld.chat - modifyworld.* - essentials.home - essentials.sethome - essentials.back - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.spawn Donator build: true inheritance: - Default prefix: '&6[Donator]&f' permissions: - essentials.enchant - essentials.repair Moderator: build: true inheritance: - Default prefix: '&b[Moderator]&7' suffix: '&7' permissions: - essentials.repair - essentials.heal - essentials.item - essentials.give - essentials.fly - essentials.kick - essentials.mute - essentials.tjail - essentials.jail - essentials.tempban - essentials.vanish Admin: build: true inheritance: - Moderator prefix: '&4[&cAdmin&4]&e' suffix: '&7' permissions: - essentials.gamemode - essentials.ban - essentials.unban - essentials.ipban - essentials.unipban - essentials.pardon - essentials.enchant Owner: build:true inheritance: - Admin prefix: '&4[Owner]' suffix: '&b' permissions: - '*' users: zeress: groups: - Default permissions: - '*' alkeia: groups: - Default permissions: acularius: groups: - Default permissions: - '*' To re-iterate, I am using base Tekkit and I have modded nothing outside of server side settings. Any help would be greatly appreciated! EDIT: I am using this set of server files: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/tekkitmain/Tekkit_Server_v1.1.10.zip
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