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Everything posted by PullThePower

  1. I can't see NEI in any gamemode at all.
  2. I'm attempting to download what I've been anticipating as one of the best standard-issue mods, but Galacticraft-v.2.8.908 is stuck at 1%. I guess it's the server or it's too wealthy.
  3. Okay, first, what browser you using? It makes a world of difference when trying to clear your cache.
  4. Try clearing your cache if you haven't done so.
  5. Posting in the right Sub-Forum wouldn't hurt either. But yeah, use a magmatic engine.
  6. I'd so buy Tekkit/Technic/Hexit apparel. Mod edit: You have a Mighty Need to read the rules first.
  7. Thanks guys. I am now closer to going to the moon and creating a large golden phallic statue on it.
  8. I'm trying to make electrum for the NASA Workbench but I cannot find any more silver. Any advice on how to find more easily without quarries?
  9. KH 1 and 2 are pretty damn fun, but my favorite is actually Namco Museum. Galaga Arrangement is so much fun.
  10. I retried for a live version and it worked.
  11. It's down due to a bad gateway error apparently. Is this just on my end?
  12. I've noticed that too on some worlds. Others have been very plentiful in iron, so it might be just you or I'm incredibly lucky.
  13. This probably belongs on the bug report forum. That's the only piece of advice I can give because I don't know crap about setting up servers.
  14. Yes it did. Thank you, chefs.
  15. We can't fix something that never happened, unless you can give us proof.
  16. Well, this was embarrassing. Sorry to bother you guys about a trivial issue.
  17. Launcher Version: Operating System: Windows 8.0 (64-Bit) Java Version: (build 1.7.0_25-b17) Antivirus Program: Avast Description of Problem: I started to re-install Technic recently, but I can't get past the login because it crashes. It won't download the files necessary, so I don't have an error log, nor do I have any error codes. Help would be greatly appreciated. Error Messages: N/A Error Log: N/A
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