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Everything posted by Tobilibias

  1. i`m using 183 mods. here´s a list. Chicken Bones Mods except wirelessredstone Condensed Potions MouseTweaks bspkrsCore StatusEffectHUD TreeCatitator MoreEnchantmentsMod AdditionalPipes AdvancedMachines AdvancedThaumaturgy AdvancedRepulsionSystem ArsMagica2 AppliedEnergitics AtomicSience AutoUtils backpacks BasicComponents BetterSprinting BigReactors binnieMods Biomes-o-Plenty BoodMagic Buildcraft AdditionalBuildcraftObjects ChlashSoftApi CoFHCore ComnpactSolars CompactWindmills Computercraft CustomUUMvalues Defense Electrodynamics EmasherResource EnchantingPlus EnderIO EngineersToolbox EVOC ExtrabiomesXL ExtraCells ExtraUtilities Factorization Portalgun Forestry ForestryExtras GasCraft GregTech HeldCore NuclearControl IC2Stuff Immibis Core Immibis Microblocks ForgeMultipart IC2 InfernalMobs IventoryTweaks IronChests JABBA KeithyUtils Levelstorage LogisticPipes luacs1998core magicbees Mekanism ansd all submods Metallurgy MeteorsMod MFFS MineChem MFR MiscPeripherals MobiusCore AdvancedSolars GraviSuit ModularPowerSuit MoreMineralsMod Mystcraft MystcraftNEIPlugin Natura NEIaddons NEIPlugins Networkanchor NEI Numina OpenBlocks Opis PlayerAPI PoerCrystalCore ProjectRed and all submods QuarryPlus Railcraft Redlogic Redstone in Motion RemoteIO slickUtil Soulshards2 StevesCarts TinkerersConstruct Thaumcraft ThaumcraftExtras ThaumcraftGates ThaumicTinkerer TermalExpansion TinkerersMechworks Transducters Translocators twilightforest Unidye UniversalElecticity iChunUtil Waila WirelessRedstone and addons Witchery XACT mod I could´nt figure out ho to use a Spoiler sorry for that. I´m rinnung MC 1.6.4 and forge 965. Thank you for helping
  2. Hello everybody, i wanted to use this very cool mod but i have run into a Problem than i can´t solve. When i install the mod minecraft stops loading saying "Congratulations, you have been waiting Long enough. Have a cake." no chrash, no errot log. Just stoping there. I tried different Versions but i keep having the same Problem. I´m a bit confused and searching the Internet did´nt help me either. I hope somebody can help me. Greetings and thank you Tobi
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