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Posts posted by tipy4

  1. IGN:luckylads2



    Experience:I am experienced with most of the older packs (especially with build craft) but i can learn quickly and i have grasped most of the ideas associated with the new mod packs.


    How long have i been playing:I have had the Technic launcher for over a year now but i have only played tekkit for around 35 hours.


    What you are good at (Buildings, etc.):I have had mine craft for well over 2 and a half years so i know may way around complex and simple builds for mine craft so it does kinda apply for tekkit. I am probably best at the slightly bigger builds which may require detail and fine sense of detail for respect of the build. For example some of my best builds would be i built Alcatraz with loads of detail stretching 150 blocks wide by 100 blocks long with multiple levels.


    Why would you be a good addition to the server:I am a laugh to play with, i have a YouTube account which has 15 subs in under 3 weeks and i will cover this server on my channel hopefully playing with people like you and recording which may bring more attention to your server.(Just so you know if you don't believe me about my channel my channel is called luckylads2 if you want to see further detail on my skills in tekkit and what i am like.


    This server is private now (Rhylos told me on the website) and I don't think they are accepting requests.

  2. Hey, where did this server go? It just disappeared one day! I really like it, and had a rocket all ready!

    EDIT: It is on the Attack of the B-Team now? Why? When I try to go on, it tells me I don't have a bunch of blocks installed.

    EDIT 2: So it's not B-Team, its Tekkit again. But why do I have to install a load of microblocks? And how!

  3. Thankfully, even if he doesn't do that it only takes about 5 seconds to make the corners rounded in Gimp.

    I do have GIMPshop (i'm guessing you can still round of corners), do you know how to make it look like it is in this image?


    I can put it in single window mode, but can't for the life of me figure out how to do this, and the white defualt looks ugly and feels unusable for me. Image source: http://www.gimpshop.com/

  4. Really nice, but one thing (and this is really my fault, sorry!) is that we are actually calling it Techtronic, without the S. If you can remove that with out any trouble that would be superb! The rest looks really cool and tech-like! Thanks so much for doing this, and if you would have to redo it to change the S then it doesn't matter.

    That looks pretty cool.

    A suggestion: when I make pack logos, I like to make the edges rounded like the official packs are.

    I guess it would look quite swish with rounded corners, if that would be easy for V2 (if you're doing it) then that could be nice.

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