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About Skylar15

  • Birthday 01/01/1900


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Grass (2/9)



  1. I am having issues joining, what happens is I get the HTTP Response Code: 503 error
  2. I am getting the java.net.socketexception error aswell. :(
  3. My friend wishes to join: IGN:cpt98 Age: 15 Tekkit experience: None Personnoneal whitelist.mcf.li link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/0e147bb39c1781cf0ad0187f79b8f23cd905b599/cpt98 Do you agree with rules?:yes
  4. IGN: MrFastZombie Age: 21 Tekkit experience: Very skilled with Tekkit Personal whitelist.mcf.li link: Link Do you agree with rules?: Yes, and I promise, I will NEVER break the rules. One question though, If I decide to make a quarry, can I make it in the overworld under my house, or does it have to be in the mining world?
  5. Okay, now it wont let me do anything but walk around.
  6. IGN: MrFastZombie Reason for wanting to become a member?: Well, every single server I have joined has had issues, except for one, but I want to go onto a new server with less banned items, and this seems to fit what I am looking for. Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: Yes, I will never disobey these set of rules, I am aiming for a very good reputation.
  7. Okay, so the server keeps autokicking me, and I emailed the server about another issue. (Important)
  8. [Whitelist Application] Minecraft Name: MrFastZombie Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit: Well all of the previous servers I have been on had issues with them. For example, Items I could not go without were banned. The last server I signed up for I thought would be the one, but then somthing went wrong there aswell. So I hope that this server does not have anything wrong with it because I look forward to playing. Do you have any bans on record?: No I do not, I never even got banned from ANY server. If I recall correctly. How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit?: I am hoping for a really long time since I like mods So, for a long time probably. EDIT: Ran into an issue, emailed the server's email about it.
  9. Thanks, that worked.
  10. I just realized, I said Baldspot instead of Badspot, curse you PZ!
  11. Title: [Client Side] [Certain Servers] Lag from Hell Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Service Pack 1 Java Version: Java 7 Description of Problem: On some servers, when I join it is SUPER laggy until they restart, an I mean SUPER laggy. (Like 0-1 FPS laggy) And I know its not my computer or connection.
  12. "Blockland: That game where you build stuff!" So today, I noticed, The Arcade was missing this good game: Blockland. What you do is you build stuff, or even set up events (What events do is they make blocks do stuff such as explode.) The Site | Return to Blockland (Suggested addon) Price: $20 But I must warn you, just like Garry's mod, the fourms has a terrible community. To end this thread, some pictures and videos: Videos: Offical Channel Images Be sure to look for me I am Skylar15.
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