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Sam Woody

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Everything posted by Sam Woody

  1. Who are you? Sam Woodward (aka. Woody)(IGN- woodinho13DCFC) Where are you from? Derby, UK How old are you? 16, nearly 17! Why do you want to play on our server? I'm looking for a friendly, chatty Attack of the B-Team server that isn't overloaded with players, and will have a safe and trustworthy community that wont grief and be very friendly. Also, it'll be awesome to meet other people that love AotBT and hopefully play along with them on the server. What do you think you can offer to this server? A chatty, friendly person who is willing to help out other players on the server and has a love for minecraft, and especially now AotBT! Who was your favourite Power Ranger? I love all the power rangers, who doesn't? XD Cheers!
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