Ingame name (for whitelist): SickStick39
Age (16 or above only please, and no cheating! I will find out ;P): i am 18
Country of origin: Slovenia (EU)
Give a brief statement/motivation on why you want to join:I have been searching for a good ATOB server for a while now and i kinda gave up. than i found your post and i think that you are perfect. i am a mature person who likes to have fun and i have tried to play this modpack on my own in SP but it is just not the same as playing with other people since i think that this modpack was designed to be played on a SMP.I really hope that you accept me and i will see you on the server
Do you have a skype account and are you willing to be in a skype group? (not required): sickstick39 and yes i am willing to be in a skype group
Do you plan on putting up videos on youtube? (Not required): no