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Everything posted by IMrSuperNovaI

  1. Thanks for all your hard work, Jonny.
  2. Well, if there was a PvE world, then there would be a good reason to enable TNT again. That way, everyone's happy. PvPer's can raid and grief properly, and the PvEer's can go build and not worry about any of that. Well, if there was portals, they'd be used a lot, running the resources out pretty quickly. So, your own portals would still be very useful. But I don't really mind about the portal part, it would just be a nice thing to have. I know it would make things easier, but it's something that you don't need to use if you don't want to.
  3. It crashed again about an hour ago :/
  4. I think it would be great having another world for PvE. This would be nice to have for the players (like me) that aren't that big in PvPing, and worrying about being raided/griefed. Perhaps have another server for it, if needed. I'm well aware that's there's servers like this, but honestly, I like playing on this one. There could be like a spawn in a seperate world from the worlds, letting the player choose if they want to go to the PvP or PvE server. Also, it would be nice having a public nether, end and tropicraft portal at spawn.
  5. Pretty much, new world, new spawn, new start.
  6. No problem, if you're needing help with anything else, then I can. I'm really experienced with plugins, so I could set a few things up like the shop, build a player market, or whatever else needs set up. Configs and stuff are pretty time consuming, especially trying to balance things out with mods.
  7. Ah ok, it gets annoying when the server crashes every 10-20 minutes. Thanks for the update.I'm just trying to help out best I can.
  8. (Here we go again) ScepLecture crash proof;
  9. Same problem, they're pretty damn rare. Also, niftylegos is crashing the server now;
  10. I agree, too many people are crashing the server. (Like thejester11 now, got the proof). I feel like having a whitelsted server will be a great improvement. The people who will be whitelisted should be dedicated, active and trustworthy. Here's the proof of thejester11 crashing the server;
  11. Oliverandcharms is still crashing it too;
  12. Posting this here as well as the forums; And now gnnner appears to be causing it to crash. He joined, then the server crashed. Proof; (hopped on another server to get the chat):
  13. Someone is, I also reported this on the site. Every time mc4lifeftb joins the server, it crashes. Either he has a corrupt chunk or there's something wrong with his player file. Is it possible to delete the chunk/reset his file or temp-ban him? It's rather annoying when there's 30-70 people online then one guy joins and ruins everyone's fun. He knows he's crashing the server and he will not stop joining, he was asked politely to start off and refused. Now he's crashing it on purpose. Joining and being a troll;
  14. Another update already, hopefully it'll let me join the server this time.
  15. Modpacks are a pain for multiplayer (for owners at least). Mods alone are a pain at times. Had problems with a couple of my old servers when they were running Pixelmon and on Hexxit. I'm sure you'll fix it soon ;P
  16. Awesome. Ginger, you're doing a great job with the server, look forward to seeing the player shops/economy get started up
  17. (I think) Morph is fixed, would be nice having it again. I don't mind not having it, the server's a ton of fun either way.
  18. Not sure, he said he was upgrading or updating, shops would be nice though.
  19. This server is really awesome. I'd recommend playing on it.
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