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  1. So does that mean you haven't forgotten about this server?
  2. What are any other servers similar to this? I mean that they have the /tpa commands (i dont know that plugin that is ) and the grief prevention plugin (with the golden shovels and claim blocks). If there are any servers with those 2 things, please tell me
  3. Penguin please answer us! Is the server permanently down / gone, or are you guys still trying to fix it? The server has been down for a couple days now, and we've had no update on whats going on from you. At least give us something, so we're not sitting here waiting for a server that's not gonna come if it happens to be that the server is permanently down. Thank you
  4. They don't really know. There seems to be something that is causing the server to instantly crash right when they try to go back online. So until they figure out what it causing that and fix it, no more server but on the bright side, once they do find it out and the server is back online, the old world will have been deleted which means WAY less lag, so thats good
  5. Good to hear the old world is gone! Once you figure out what's making it crash straight away, the lag should be less than before right? Since theres so many loaded in chunks from the old world that were always loaded?
  6. Alright :/ its a shame there's so much lag that has been going on on this server. I know once the old world gets deleted at least some of that lag will be gone Also thanks for the very quick response, it's nice to know the mods and admins are always lurking on the forums lol. Make sure to post again if the server comes back up!
  7. I dont know if this is just me, but ever since around 2-3 P.M today I haven't been able to connect to the server. It just keep saying "Can't Reach Server" and sometimes "Communication Error". I'm not sure if you guys are working on the server, like deleting the old world, sorting out lag, and other things, or if there is a problem on my end. If it is from me, can someone please help me out on what to do? Thank you - [Survivor] Blism
  8. Just a little bump to get this thread back to the top of the server pages, because all in all this truly is an amazing server. They just need to try and fix those server crashes.
  9. Okay thank you for the info! So when the server gets back up and running, what version of AotBt should I use? I'm guessing 1.06a, but I'm just asking to save myself the hassle and worry of having to launch AoftBt through several different versions. Also, how would I know if the server is full when trying to log on to it?
  10. Ok I can't log into the server right now, and I am not sure why. If the server is full (which a lot of the time it is) how would I know? I have tried launching Attack of the B-Team in the 1.05 version, 1.06 version, and 1.06a version. When I go on to multiplayer, the server is always red and says "Cant reach server". I would really like to be able to play on this server, as I have spent quite a bit of time working on my base there. If any one knows or has any ideas on how to fix the problem I have here, please respond to me here in this thread. Thank you.
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