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Everything posted by omgitsfede

  1. it worked!!! the message of the ID mismatches came up but I was still able to play. upon further inspection, the heal crystal for advanced genetics was causing this
  2. sill doesn't work. I wonder whats causing this. I backed my world up but after resetting the pack I opened the choose world option and my world was still there ....weird. Im gonna reset it again
  3. and to reset the pack I uninstall it and install it back or is there another way to do this?
  4. Whenever i hit the play button to initiate my world i get this, when i hit continue my game crashes. Any solutions? Forge modloader has found ID mismatch complete details are in log file ID5812 from mod advancedgenetics is missing ID724 is mismaatch between world and game currently playing on launcher build 431
  5. this is so much better. I had to stop every now and then but now.....goodbye outside lol. thanks man
  6. Hey everyone, currently I can allocate only 1GB in the technic launcher but I need more as the attack of the b-team mod is pretty fat. Im running with java 32 bit and I have 1 stick of 8 GB. Do I just need to download java 64 bit? thanks
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