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Everything posted by Patriot1022

  1. IRL name: Cody In Game Name: Cody Orr Skype name: orrcody78 Age: 20 How experienced are u with the mod pack: 6 What do u want to do on the server: I want to build mainly and just get to know some cool people to play minecraft with! I am excited to be on with other people and to get the chance to really experience multiplayer in AOTBT! Why u should join the server: No real reason I guess. It is up to you.
  2. IRL Name: Cody In-Game Name: Patriot1022 Skype: orrcody78 Age: 20 I chose this server because I like the rules. I like the age range you are looking for and 6 people just seems perfect for Attack Of the B-Team. Experience: 6 I really just want to meet some cool people and have fun playing Minecraft again while building an awesome house haha cause building things is what I like to do the most.
  3. I am 20 and really love this mod pack and have been dying to play it. Would love to record it (I have three subscribers nothing crazy lmao) but single player for this pack just seems boring.
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