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Posts posted by Patriot1022

  1. IRL name: Cody


    In Game Name: Cody Orr


    Skype name: orrcody78


    Age: 20


    How experienced are u with the mod pack: 6


    What do u want to do on the server: I want to build mainly and just get to know some cool people to play minecraft with! I am excited to be on with other people and to get the chance to really experience multiplayer in AOTBT!


    Why u should join the server: No real reason I guess. It is up to you.

  2. IRL Name: Cody 

    In-Game Name: Patriot1022

    Skype: orrcody78

    Age: 20 


    I chose this server because I like the rules. I like the age range you are looking for and 6 people just seems perfect for Attack Of the B-Team. 


    Experience: 6


    I really just want to meet some cool people and have fun playing Minecraft again while building an awesome house haha cause building things is what I like to do the most. 

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