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Everything posted by SeldomSceneKid

  1. I've tried using Fluiduct and the machine just keeps running indefinetily when I set it to flow and when do anything else it won't register and go to change it I lose all the oil I had saved up.
  2. I'm using an OIl Fabricator. How do I go about getting the oil from the machin to the fuel loader?
  3. I'm currently trying to figure out how to use the liquid XP mod. Right now I'm trying to use the fluiduct from a Hardened Portable Tank to power my Catalyzer but it's a no go. I've tried using a servo and wrenching the tank to out put and the duct to output as well and neither are working. I'm not sure if I need to be using different piping or tanks or what here. So far I've had nothing but trouble with this mod. It seems like it's so full of potetential but as of yet it's done nothing but give me a headache. Any help would be much appreciated.
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