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Everything posted by Maikie_G

  1. Minecraft Name: Maikie_G Do you have any bans on record? Nope. If so, Why?
  2. Name - Maik IGN - Maikie_G Age - 19 Minecraft experience - Since 1.4. Been playing on and off. Tekkit experience - Been messing around with the technic pack on and off since it came out. Time playing MC per day - Can run well into the hours if I'm playing on a server where I can enjoy myself. Why do you want to join the server - Relatively new server, meaning I won't have to walk a million blocks from spawn to actually find some stuff. Looks like this server has been around for a while, as the forum post about your first server stems from february. But I digress, I'm looking for a lot of fun to be had.
  3. Minecraft name: Maikie_G Age: 19 Location: The Netherlands What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): Not entirely sure yet, I make things up as I go along.
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