Here's something I'm wondering. I've been running into some strange mobs in my world. I don't know what they are and I'm wondering if anyone else has run into them as well. They all have the name and when I attack them they just sit there and look at me. I could swear that one of them is supposed to be a Pikachu and there's another that looks like a Squirtle. I even ran across a "Pikachu" attacking a zombie at one point and it won. What they look like to me are some sort of pre-release mob models.... and a couple pokemon attempts.... So far I've found what seems to be a zombie, a cow, a pig, an enderman, a slime, and then the Squirtle and Pikachu. I have no idea what they are but once you kill one you get the ability to morph into them. I'd post some pictures but I don't see a way to directly post pictures to a thread. I just wanted to know if anyone else has seen these weird mobs other than me...