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About pixonz

  • Birthday 11/12/1989

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pixonz's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. MC Name: pixonz Age: 24 Thanks for looking at my application, hope to play on the server soon
  2. Application Form. Name:Em Age: 24 In Game Name:pixonz Location:Hamilton, New Zeland Skype/Steam Account name: i would rather tell you this in a pm Name of Youtube Channel (If you have one): i do not record videos How long have you been playing Minecraft: i have been playing minecraft for about 2 years Why I should pick you: i am very very active i basically never get off, also i am pretty awesome
  3. IGN: pixonz Age Bracket: 20-30 TZ: UTC+12:00 Why this server?: Because I would like to be a part of a small active community I am actually not in the 15-20 bracket but the 20-30 bracket excuse the derp on my part
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