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Everything posted by BlaikeSoulReaper

  1. ING = BlaikeSoulReaper Age:12 Soon 13 Skype - Bangsy998 Why You? = Hi Im bangsy And i wanna Play On a WhiteListed Server Becuase I Like People That doesnt Greif Your Land And Doesnt Steals From You And I would Like To Play There Because The Other Whitelisted server I was On Ended Sadly And I would Like A server that is Decent and Normal Thank You Hope I Get Whitelisted
  2. Same issue I just wanted to play But Blow Gun on tropiccraft keeps crashing it
  3. My problem in tropicraft is :/ When i had the Blowgun I Targeted some dino then the hole server crashed When i joined evrey time the hole server Crashes
  4. How do i fix the server when i join it crashes
  5. hi im blaike And i loved the server But please put a plugin if they hit u in morph they Umorph its pvping unfair
  6. Ing:BlaikeSoulReaper Age:12 Location:Philippines Yes Um Animal or mobs dont spawn often So please Add the Anti_lag plugin because its quite laggy
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