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Sandergnomen's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Ign(In game name): Sandergnomen Age: 13 Where are you from?: Norway What do you like to build?: Houses and What do you like to do mostly (Example:Miner, Engineer, Builder, etc)?: All Why do you want to play on this server?Becuse i love minecraft/Attcak of the bteam and i dont like to be grifed all the time Do you have Teamspeak? Yes
  2. Ingame Name: Sandergnomen Age:13 Why you want to join: Becuse i love ATB and i love playing with other and i get grifed on other servers Skype: sandergnomen How well do you know this mod pack: Om good at tc and flans mod and galactic craft Do you agree to the rules? Yes
  3. IGN:Sandergnomen Age:13 Reason for wanting to join: Becuse i love attack of the bteam and i get grifed on every server so it hade fun if i can join this server. favorite mod:Flans and tc mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods):1-2 years. Skype(Y/N):Yes i have a skype account.
  4. IGN:Sandergnomen Age:13 Reason for wanting to join:I love attack of the b team and i hate grifers so i hade be fun to play with guys/girls that dont grif favorite mod:Flans mod and TC mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods):2 years with my other user Skype(Y/N):Yes i have skype Plz Respond
  5. 1: Minecraft Name Sandergnomen 2: What country do you live in? Norway 3: Will you be uploading to YouTube, if so what is your YouTube channel? Yes 4: How many times a week do you plan to be on? 9 5: How old are you (You do not have to post on the forum if you do not want, send it to me in a private message!) 6: Do you accept the rules of the server? Yes 7: Do you agree to not steal from other players? Yes
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