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beederp's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. "2014-02-23 09:48:50 [sEVERE] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not get provider type for dimension 2, does not exist" Everyone is logging into dimension 2 because that's where the new world is set, and since dimension 2 doesn't exist is that why when everyone logging into where they last logged off (which is dimension 2). it crashes? Is there away to set every player logging into spawn in at spawn (where ever the dimension for the new world is) without affecting anything?
  2. I hope business B-Team is up when I wake up C:

    1. rcmaehl


      Should be up any second.

    2. rcmaehl


      Or maybe not

  3. nice, well Imma open an origin grass business then since there's no more old world. (also breeding mooshroom, sheep, and mammoth!) -cough-
  4. 1: Minecraft Name: beederp 2: What country do you live in? US. 3: Will you be uploading to YouTube, if so what is your YouTube channel? No. 4: How many times a week do you plan to be on? I'll be on almost every day. (I like building.) 5: How old are you (You do not have to post on the forum if you do not want, send it to me in a private message!) 18 years old. 6: Do you accept the rules of the server? Yes. 7: Do you agree to not steal from other players? Yes.
  5. so is the server going to be up tonight or tomorrow? :3
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