Application Form.
Name: Rachelanne
Age: 23
In Game Name: Merachelanne
Location: Canada (Calgary)
Skype/Steam Account name: merachelanne
Name of Youtube Channel (If you have one):
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since early alpha.
Why I should pick you: I enjoy the artistic aspect of making buildings that are detailed, inventive, and beautiful. As such, I am respectful of other player's builds, and my own builds tend to be interesting, rich in detail, and aesthetically beautiful. I particularly enjoy making buildings functional, and an AotBT server appeals to me because of the potential there for cool inventions and beautiful buildings. I am always interested in improving my skills, and learning from players who are more talented/experienced than I am. I am a patient, easy-going player, and I enjoy group builds and participating in the community. I strive to always be respectful, level-headed, and kind, even when there is a situation that is tense or difficult. Because I have an odd schedule where I have mornings off and tend to play late at night, I would be a good fit for a NZ server, despite living in Canada. Please consider allowing me to join your server. I believe I would be a great contribution to your community. I hope to hear from you!