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  1. IGN (Minecraft name) - yoshi0217 Age - 14 Why do you want to join this server? - I want to play a good, active server with a good community. How often would you play? - I would most likely play a good amount of time, maybe once a day unless I'm busy. Do you use Teamspeak? - No sadly. I might be able to install it if required. Any other info you feel is necessary - I might spend extreme hours online due to the fact that I have next to no life :P.
  2. Is something going on with the server? I'm not able to log in...
  3. IGN: yoshi0217 Age (14 or above is fine): 14 Why would you like to join this server (At least a sentence or two): This is an amazing modpack but it is so hard to find a good server to play on. This looks like one of the best servers for my casual gaming style for not needing to worry about being raided. Big servers aren't very fun because of the spam of chat so smaller servers are more fun for me. Will you follow rules: That I would
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