Hey there everybody =),
we are going to Start a 24/7 Attack of the B-Team server this night, and looking for new Members to join.
There aren't many rules but there are some:
- No griefing, if you do so, you will get permanently banned from the Server.
- No offensive Language, dont harras someone else just because you mad.
- Play! Don't join the server play one or two days and get never online again.
If you join the server you dont need to play every day or every free minute,
but to see someone online is better to get a dead body on the server
If you aren't online for 2 Weeks (without telling) you will get removed from
- PVP is allowed if both parts accepted the pvp.
- No Gravestone destroying.
- DONT DESTROY ANYTHING from other players
If you join the server, you are able to play wherever and whatever you wan't, you wanna be a Witch? Go for it! But respect the whole Rules above with it! So no bullying no random teleportations
and especially no raising a volcano on someone's base! =)
Be sure that persons you are building in biom's they are living accepting that you are building there!
Pranks are allowed by following the rules above.
Spawn town will get build by server Admins and get raised by everyone
Shops in town are very welcome =)
Please fill in:
In Game Nick:
Modpack Experience:
Basic Online Times:
Favorite Mod:
Why do you want to play on the Server:
What do you like to do on the Server:
What should we know about you: