IGN: BFPelaaja
How is the server: I just love it, lot of helpful players, only bad thing I can think of is the weather (so nothing really)
Any suggestions: Mayby you should drop the 50 players limit a bit, cause it starts to get laggy at 25. Not sure if that's the real cause but mayby.
ps. I try to post this here too:
So im having a problem, I have claimed land, and for some reason just lately i haven't been able to dig all the ground, cut down sugarcane etc. and i know it's my claim because I poked it around with a stick.
What makes it even stranger, I cant brake only certain blocks on the area, and even tried to abandon claim and retrieving it, i tried to give trust to other player and even he couldnt break it, so what might be the matter, and is there anything to do about it?
Please i need help!