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Posts posted by hoho

  1. Have read it. But still' date=' Im an optimist, and wont compare a few idiots posting on the internet to the possible downfall of humanity.[/quote']Good for you but having observed and analyzed people's behavior, culture, world views and life values for around 15 years I'm nowhere near as optimistic. Best I can hope for is that part of humanity moves off somewhere else and separates itself from the rest to build up truly sustainable society based on critical thinking and common sense.
  2. Hoho, the Better Ore Distribution mod allows you to add mod ores to the config, I think. The forum thread has some instructions, and even a sample config for IC2. You just have to tell it what block ID to look for.

    Yes, it supports ores by ID, not by their metadata that all Forge ores are using. Also, Forge ores are using different distribution methods than vanilla ores and Better Ore Distribution doesn't support hijacking that.

    You can read all about it in the last few pages of the mod's thread. The author said he will try to contact Eloraam to make it work with Forge ores as well but not before a week or two as he has exams.

  3. And if you started a world without forestry it coverts over to the new tekkit fine.
    It will work, sure, but you'll be missing out on for example thaumcraft crystals and to get them you'd need to travel far enough to regen new chunks.

    So yes, it kind of works but is more trouble than it's worth.

  4. I'd love this as well. I've used some custom generators that do something like this but I've yet to find something that would also give half-decent ore distribution as having a 200 block high hill with ores still starting at 64 kind of sucks.

    Wedge is awesome but it doesn't store it's settings and after initial worldgen goes back to default (at least it did that a few weeks ago, perhaps it's fixed now).

    Combining Wedge with better ore distribution would be awesome but the latter doesn't support Forge ores.

  5. Only BC pumps. RP pumps are unnecessary with this water because FL comes with a pump that works pretty much the same way the RP pump does (including a water-sensor block).
    Main reason I love RP pumps so much is that they have insane range. I guess with finite liquids the range is as big as the pumped liquid pool is?

    It won't work at all with IC pumps' date=' and honestly, I feel that the miner/pump part of IC is its weakest and least interesting element, so it'd take a lot of convincing to make me bother. :P[/quote']Assuming that it's possible to create water cells (coolant cells for nuclear plants) with the empty cell + water bucket recipe it won't be a showstopper. If not then it is kind of bad.
  6. This requires new chunks to be generated with proper blocks, right? If so then too bad, I'm almost finished with my 50x50x70 quarry hole in the ground where I intended to test how well I can drain the oceans with RP2 pumps and finite liquid would probably have been awesome there :D

    Also, does this work with just BC or with IC and RP pumps as well?

    I'll probably still make a test world to see how it works.

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