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Everything posted by LegitGaming69

  1. Name: ILR: ALex Mc: LegitGaming69 Age: 15 Skype: facebook:alex.swartz.393 Staff Experience: I've been staff on two different vanilla servers Rank: Veteran Why: I enjoy helping people and im a great builder so i could help making things look nice. Unfortunately i don't very many plugins but i am willing to learn whatever.
  2. what features and when will it be back up?
  3. whats going on? every time i try to join the server i get in for a little but then i lag out and it says connection lost whats going on? please help i love this server! nvm problem pixed
  4. Hey my name is LegitGaming69 im 15 and id like to become staff on youre attact of the b team server. id be a great working im on alot and would be very helpful. im a great builder so i could make you guys a very nice spawn. thank you
  5. if you are still have the mojang screen then it goes back to the launcher try re installing it with java 7
  6. i downloaded java 7 54 and also lave 7 54 (64) did i do some thing wrong because it is still doing to same thing as before?
  7. when ever i try to load my single player world my game crashes! so i made my own server and after i played it twice the same thing happened! Please help
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