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Posts posted by zbayne

  1. 2012-07-02_22.46.23.png

    A Great Tekkit Experience! - 50 Slots - 24/7 - Towny - ChestShops - and More!

    http://www.gddcraft.com - Server Address: play.gddcraft.com

    TeamSpeak3 is at gddcraft.com

    We are now running Tekkit 3.1.2!

    Server InfoWe run the server on dedicated and powerful hardware located in a private datacenter in Chicago. Interested in the exact server specifications? We run two Intel Xeon E5620 @ 2.4Ghz Quad Core CPU's, 48 GB of DDR3 RAM, 1 SSD's for integrity and speed and all of this is running on Debian machine. Yeah, it's ridiculously fast.

    Although GDD|craft is nearly brand new and in beta we only have a few dedicated players and are looking to expand. We pride ourselves on our friendly and helpful community. We do require approval to become a citizen for build rights, but this is part of what keeps the community so great! No one likes a griefer ruining everyone's fun. No worries though! Our applications is simple and we getting approved usually happens within 30 minutes of posting your application.

    FeaturesGDD|CRAFT runs a variety of plugins to enhance each players experience on the server. The plugins we currently run are listed below:

    • Towny
      LWC (Chest Protection)
      Mob disguise
      Death Chest

    Towns can be created by any citizen and are a great way to work together on the server. City power grids anyone? We also sell market plots in a public marketplace accessible by warps. We keep our plugin list rather short. We still want the main focus of the server to always be Tekkit itself!

    Disabled Mods/Items:BuildCraft, Nukes; Mining Laser, a few EE tools

    Joining us is very easy. Either post on our forums, gddcraft.com

    or join us in game. Any registered member can promote a guest to citizenship every week so no waiting for staff.

    While awaiting citizenship you can still log in to the server and explore as a visitor!

    Server Address: play.gddcraft.com

    To register sign up for a account at the top of this page, once you have registered in the server type /sync username password. if you have any problems post on the forums.

    Our Current Spawn ( offering a bank, public machines and a soon to be adminshop)2012-07-02_22.55.46.png

    Our Power station- every citizen has access to one of the three city power grids, not enough to run a massfab, but enough to run simple machines



    questions and concerns can be posted in the forums or directly emailed to the server owner at [email protected]

  2. I am working on a dayz section of my server world, besides looking at how to speed up zombies/ make them stronger it is going to be a pure tekkit build with deployers spawning zombies and random loot being pumped into chests around the world. everything should be controlled by interactive player presence with randomizers determining how big a zombie horde can spawn, from 0 to 12. once done I will release a schematic. as of now I have cordoned off a 1000x1000 section of my map having a diverse landscape and have started experimenting the best way to start the game play aspect. if you would like to help out please check out my server thread.

  3. Actually Snowgolems do produce snow, just only in certain biomes, basically Mojang did something with that humidity value in all biomes. Anyway, Snowgolems work correctly in any snow/ice biome (obviously), but also in Ocean, River and Swamp biomes.

    I finally managed to get it to load by deleting EE from my mods folder, then rebuilt all the things that were broken. Block ID changes in: Singularity Compressor, Wireless redstone, and most annoyingly of all, the railcraft concrete blocks.

    I've fixed almost all of it, but need another day or so to check all the wiring and paste it into a suitable biome/map.

    you should upload it, would make my day


    using most of the design from littleweseth, I am working on a tekkit version. most of the logic is done, though a bit of work is left. On the other hand i have added shields, heat monitoring and I have dabbled a bit in making it computer controlled(rp2), at the moment there is just a password failsafe, but i want to remove the button resets and instead make them words.

    early images, http://imgur.com/a/MxjPO


    computer now only lets one set of doors being open and activates a similar scram system to empty reactors. working on it being able to control how much ice is produced, and scaling up production when needed because currently it is supplying 2 reactors but i want it to be scale-able.


    computer images



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