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Everything posted by linnart

  1. IGN: Linnart Age (Not Required): 15 Do you have Skype?: Yes If you have Skype type username: linnea.nilsson99 How active are you?: Alot Fun Scale 1-10 (1 being serious and 10 being carelessly fun): 6 What are you good at?: Building and technical shisslewissle Tell me about yourself (Not Required but helps you get in): I've played minecraft for ages and now I wanna have a calm server to play on with my friends Willewolf and Maxokej
  2. Minecraft name? Linnart What country do you live in? Sweden Skype name? Linnea.nilsson Do you upload to Youtube? Channel? No Age? 16 Acceptance of server rules? Yes
  3. 1 How old are you? 14 2 Where do you live? Sweden 3 Are you new to mods? No 4 What do you plan on doing? I plan on using galacticraft and tinkerersconstruct. 5 How much do you play? Almost everyday. 6 Do you record for youtube? No 7 What is your skype name? Linnea.Nilsson99 8 Have you been banned? Once for 1 week 9 Why do you want to join my server? It seems like a good server that is calm. 10 Do you accept the rules. Yes 11 Linnart
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